Cozens — [ kʌznz], 1) Alexander, englischer Maler, * Sankt Petersburg um 1717, ✝ London 23. 4. 1786, Vater von 2); wurde bekannt durch seine »blot« (Flecken )Technik, die in den Aquarellen aus willkürlich aufs Papier gesetzten Farbtupfern eine… … Universal-Lexikon
Cozens — This unusual and interesting surname is a patronymic of Cousin, which is of early medieval English and French origin, and is from a nickname, derived from the Middle English (1200 1500), Old French co(u)sin, cusin , from the Latin consobrinus ,… … Surnames reference
Cozens Ranch House — U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
Cozens alexander — Alexander Cozens Alexander Cozens (1717 ? 1786) est un peintre né en Russie. Après un séjour à Rome où il a pratiqué la peinture en plein air, il est devenu un professeur de dessin à la mode auprès de la bonne société londonienne. Il a… … Wikipédia en Français
Cozens, John Robert — ▪ British artist born 1752, London died December 1797, London British draftsman and painter whose watercolours influenced several generations of British landscape painters. The son of the watercolourist Alexander Cozens, John began to… … Universalium
Cozens, Alexander — ▪ British artist born 1717, St. Petersburg, Russia died April 23, 1786, London Russian born British draftsman and painter who, along with his son John Robert Cozens, was one of the leading watercolourists (watercolour) of the 18th century.… … Universalium
cozens — coz·en || kÊŒzn v. swindle, cheat; deceive … English contemporary dictionary
COZENS, JOHN ROBERT — a landscape painter, a natural son of Peter the Great; pronounced by Constable the greatest genius that ever touched landscape, and from him Turner confessed he had learned more than from any other landscapist; his mind gave way at last, and… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Alexander Cozens — (1717 1786), was a British landscape painter in water colours, a published teacher of painting, and a natural son of Peter the Great.LifeAlexander Cozens was a natural son of Peter the Great and an Englishwoman from Deptford. The czar took her to … Wikipedia
Peter Cozens — is the current Director of the Centre for Strategic Studies New Zealand, which is part of the School of Government at Victoria University of Wellington. As Director, Cozens promotes and contributes to research and discussion of New Zealand s… … Wikipedia