Peniel — Penuel (wörtlich: Gottesgesicht), auch: Peniel, war eine zum Nordreich Israel gehörige Siedlung, die östlich des Jordan am Südufer des Jabbok unweit von Sukkot lag. Penuel wird mehrfach im Alten Testament erwähnt. Dem biblischen Bericht zufolge… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Peniel Pentecostal Church — (now known simply as Peniel Church) is located in Pilgrims Hatch, Brentwood, Essex, UK. The church was founded by the now disgraced Bishop Michael Reid, and is currently under new leadership (below). Contents 1 Doctrine 2 Leadership 3 Controversy … Wikipedia
Peniel Mlapa — Peniel Mlapa … Wikipédia en Français
Peniel Mlapa — Mlapa im Training, 2009 Spielerinformationen Voller Name Peniel Kokou Mlapa Geburtstag 20. Februar 1991 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Peniel Mission — The Peniel Mission was an interdenominational holiness rescue mission that was started in Los Angeles, California on 11 November 1886 by Theodore Pollock Ferguson (1853 1920) and Manie Payne Ferguson (1850 1932). It was dissolved in 1949.History… … Wikipedia
Peniel Missionary Society — The Peniel Mission was an interdenominational holiness missionary organisation that was started in Los Angeles, California in 1895 by Theodore Pollock Ferguson (1853 1920) and Manie Payne Ferguson (1850 1932) as an outgrowth of their Peniel… … Wikipedia
peniel mission — pə̇ˈnīəl , ˈpenēəl noun Usage: usually capitalized P&M Etymology: peniel probably from Hebrew Pĕniel, Pĕnuel, literally, face of God, place on the Jabbok river in Jordan where Jacob wrestled with a stranger and received a blessing (Gen 32: 30 AV) … Useful english dictionary
peniel — pe·ni·el … English syllables
Manie Payne Ferguson — (1850 – 8 June 1932) was a pioneer leader in the American Holiness Movement, a Christian evangelist and social worker who co founded the Peniel Mission, and the author of several hymns, most notably Blessed Quietness . Contents 1 Early life 2… … Wikipedia
Theodore Pollock Ferguson — (born January 10, 1853; died July 12, 1920) was a pioneer leader in the American Holiness Movement, a Christian evangelist and social worker who co founded the Peniel Mission and Peniel Missionary Society.Biographical DetailsFerguson was born on… … Wikipedia