

Abdellah is a human name. People with this name include:

* Faye Glenn Abdellah (born 1919), American nurse
*Abdellah Blinda (born 1951), Moroccan football manager
*Abdellah Liegeon (born 1957), Algerian footballer
*Abdellah Béhar (born 1963), French runner
* Nacer Abdellah (born 1966), Moroccan footballer
*Abdellah Ouzghar, Canadian and Moroccan, arrested after attacks of Sept 11, 2001

;other uses
*Salle Moulay Abdellah, indoor sporting arena in Rabat, Morocco
*Stade Moulay Abdellah, multi-use stadium in Rabat, Morocco

;see also (similar names)
*Abdallah Djaballah (born 1956), Algerian politician
*Abdelilah Saber (born 1974), Moroccan footballer

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