History of Jews in Alsace

History of Jews in Alsace

The Jewish community of Alsace is one of the oldest Jewish community in Europe, dating from the time of Herod, before the Christian era.


The language traditionally spoken by the Jews of Alsace is Judeo-Alsacian, which is a mix of Yiddish, German and French. An interesting presentation of their culture can be found in the museum of Bouxwiller, Bas-Rhin and also in the museum of Strasbourg. In 1898, the Jewish community of Strasburg built a monumental synagogue, quai Kleber, in the neo-clasic German style. It was replaced by the Synagogue of Peace, which was rebuilt after World War II. René Gutman becomes great rabbi of Strasbourg in 1987 after Max Warschawski. On the 22nd of june 2008 , Gilles Bernheim is elected great rabbi of France .


In 1349, jews of alsace are accused for poisonning the wells with Plague (disease). In Benfeld, february 14th, Saint Valentine's day, 16.000 jews are hunted, killed and burnt at the stake in Colmar.


After algerian war, Sephardi Jews come to Strasbourg in 1962 from North Africa. Today 60% of the jewish families are ahkenazi and 40% are sephardi.

Jews from Alsace


*Under the direction of Bernhard Blumenkranz, "Histoire des Juifs en France", Privat, Éditeur, Toulouse, 1972. In this article, the references toward this work are identified by the initials HJF followed by the reference in the book.
*David Feuerwerker."L'Emancipation des Juifs en France. De l'Ancien Régime à la fin du Second Empire." Albin Michel: Paris, 1976 (ISBN 2-226-00316-9)


External links

* [http://judaisme.sdv.fr/histoire site du judaïsme d'Alsace et de Lorraine]

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