

Taxobox | name = Amanitaceae

image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Amanita spissa"
regnum = Fungi
divisio = Basidiomycota
classis = Agaricomycetes
ordo = Agaricales
familia = Amanitaceae
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = "Amanita"

Amanitaceae is a family of fungi or mushrooms. The family, also commonly called the Amanita Family, is in order Agaricales, gilled mushrooms. The family consists primarily of the genus "Amanita", but has also included the genus "Limacella".

Mycological works show great divergence in their definitions of families and the up-to-date and authoritative [ "Index fungorum"] classifies these fungi as part of Pluteaceae. For a long time, they were placed in Agaricaceae.

The species are usually found in woodlands. They emerge from an egg-like structure formed by the universal veil.

This family contains several species that are valued for edibility and flavor and others that are deadly poison. More than half the cases of mushroom poisoning stem from members of this family. The most toxic members of this group have names that warn of the poisonous nature, but others, of varying degrees of toxicity, do not.

Some notable species in Amanitaceae

* ", Caesar's mushroom
* ", fly agaric
* ", blusher
* ", panther cap
* ", death cap.
* ", orange spring amanita.
* ", destroying angel.
* "Limacella solidipes", ringed "Limacella"

External links

* [ Amanitaceae information]
* [ Picture of mushrooms]
* [ More pictures of mushrooms ]
* [ Amanita studies site with 510+ taxa treated]
* [ Index fungorum]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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