Zen-Touch Shiatsu

Zen-Touch Shiatsu

Zen-Touch Shiatsu is a derivative form of the Japanese therapy Shiatsu (Japanese: 禅指圧) and is particularly popular in the United States and Europe. It was developed in 1984 by Seymour Koblin, a graduate of the Shiatsu Education Center of America now known as the Ohashiatsu Institute founded by Wataru Ohashi.

Zen-Touch Shiatsu, is a form of energy channel and Point Shiatsu or Acupressure. A difference between Zen-Touch shiatsu and other forms like Ohashiatsu, Zen Shiatsu, or Namikoshi Shiatsu is its use of both light or "hands off" the body energy work as well as extensive passive stretching methods with clients. The theoretical model incorporates a modern/present day perspective of Traditional Chinese medicine, taoism and macrobiotic theory.

The energy channel system represents a communication between human behavior and the tsubos or acupoints of the human body. Health assessment skills through body language, Back, Hara (abdominal center) face and hand reading, and birth date are also characteristic of this style. Zen-Touch practitioners use a variety of recommendations including Diet Exercise and life style modification. Koblin's instruction of recommendations originated from his own studies with Master CK CHU- Tai Chi, and Michio Kushi- Macrobiotics.

Seymour Koblin founded The School of Healing Arts in San Diego as well as the International School of Healing Arts with Branches throughout USA and Europe. Certified Zen-Touch Instructors/Practitioners include Faye Yousry, Hugo Anguiano, Brett Brindley, and Paricia Pace who teach throughout the USA.

The fundamental attitude behind Zen-Touch Shiatsu is "presence". The practitioner supports their client's healing by simply being supportive of the client's own natural healing powers. Excesses and deficiencies of energy are redistributed by simply holding these areas and allowing the client's Chi or Life force to freely move.

External links

* http://www.zen-touch.com/
* http://seymourkoblin.com/
* http://www.schoolofhealingarts.com/
* http://www.internationalschoolofhealingarts.com/

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