El Chanfle

El Chanfle

This is a movie created by Roberto Gómez Bolaños, also known as Chespirito. It was filmed in Mexico in 1978. It is classified as comedy movie.


El Chanfle is an employee in Club America that helped in the soccer games to his boss, and the couch of the team, Mr. Moncho Reyes.He is married to Tere, a typical housewife, passionate of soccer, mainly because of Chanfle´s job.Despite they have been married for 10 years, they are not precisely in the best millionaire's financial situation, to the point they could not afford fixing an old sofa.One day, Tere was talking to Chanfle about saving, and she said (talking about "saving" money): "See what I "bought" at the supermarket". Then Tere showed Chanfle a pair of new shoes.So Chanfle said: "That isn't saving, that is spending". After that Tere said: "Nop, it's saving, because I bought them in the supermarket and nobody billed me them".After that, Chanfle knew that his wife took a pair of shoes without paying the, so he returned to the store with Tere.Then he paid 299 pesos to a nice lady cashier store clerk, who told them that already their bosses would discount that amount from her salary.Tere and Chanfle, who had been married for 10 years, had never bear children, and they wanted to, since Tere was 28 years old and Chanfle was 35.So, Chanfle's boss, Mr. Matute knew that after Chanfle asked him a raise. Then, Mr. Matute told that to Dr. Nájera, who was the physician at the soccer team.After Tere and Chanfle talked with Dr. Nájera, he told them that he knew some people at some lab, so Chanfle and his wife went there for some lab tests.After that, Tere brought the results to Dr. Nájera, who told her she was going to have a baby. She was nervous and very happy at the same time, then she told that to his husband, who also was very happy, to the point of jump and dance at the club's patio.

But Tere and Chanfle were in the same need of money they had before. So they decided to sell and old gun, formerly belonging to Tere's father.Chanfle and Tere went down the street and tried to sell the pistol to a drunk man named Paco, who thought that they were trying to robber him and gave some things from his house to Chanfle (and old lamp, a guitar, etc.)Paco shouted then to a policeman that Tere and Chanfle were trying to robber him, so they began to run, run, and run. But with no success with selling the pistol.Another day, Chanfle and his wife Tere were shopping at the store where the nice clerk was working at. So, it is later discovered that Paco, the drunk man was the husband of this nice cashier. Paco bumps Chanfle at the parking lot of the store, and because Paco was angry because he thought Chanfle was robbing him last day, he threw Chanfle a watermelon and chased him all the way to a city park. When Chanfle got back to the parking lot, Tere was going to drive home, so she didn't take care and crashed with another car.Then, because Chanfle is highly ethical, he was willing to pay for the damage to the car's owner. So he went to the nice clerk and asked who was the owner of the car with the license plates: 631-ACJ. When the clerk heard that she sadly said: "Only yesterday, I had my car at the mechanical".Another worry for Chanfle and Tere: they didn't have money for paying to the lady's car damage, nor to repair their old sofa. This problem was solved when Tere went once again to the supermarket and gave the nice clerk 100 pesos for the car's repair. Then, the clerk confessed that his husband wanted to buy a gun. When Tere heard this, promptly and very happily said: "I'll sell you one!!!".That evening, she sold the gun to the supermarket clerk and now Tere was debt-free.

So the months go by, and Tere was going to give birth. She told to her husband: "My baby has to be born after America wins Atletico (other soccer team) at the end of the championship"So Tere went to the soccer stadium with Diana, the soccer club's secretary, who was in love of one of the most popular players at the team, Valentino. Then Tere met again with the clerk and his husband Paco, who said stranged: "Have we met before??"So Tere's child was going to born soon, Tere began to feel some pains. Soon she knew she had to give birth immediately!!She called Chanfle and Dr. Nájera, and quickly they brought Tere to the medical office at the stadium.Chanfle bumped with Paco again, who had already the gun and was going to kill Chanfle.Paco chased Chanfle to the medical office where Tere was giving birth to a girl!!!So, the clerk explained to his husband that Chanfle was that honest man who paid his wife's soes and sold her the pistol. Paco still thought that Chanfle was trying to rob him, until Tere said that her husband's real purpose was selling the gun, but since Paco's was drunk... Then, Tere said that Paco couldn't kill Chanfle because that pistol was broken. Then Chanfle, hearing this, said to Paco: "How much do I owe you?".

At the end, Mr. Matute announced that Chanfle wasn't going to be in his current job, instead he'll be the Chilren's team couch.At the time, he was going to sign his contract, he broke a wine bottle, a table, a statue, two bookshelves, a lamp, and a huge glass.


*Roberto Gómez Bolaños as Chanfle
*Florinda Meza as Tere
*Rubén Aguirre as Mr. Matute
*Edgar Vivar as Dr. Nájera
*Carlos Villagrán as Valentino
*María Antonieta de las Nieves as Diana
*Ramón Valdés as Mr. Moncho Reyes
*Angelines Fernández as Supermarket clerk
*Raúl "Chato" Padilla as Paco

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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