Tabanus lineola

Tabanus lineola

Taxobox | name = Striped horse fly

image_width =
image_caption =
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
subphylum = Hexapoda
classis = Insecta
subclassis = Pterygota
infraclassis = Neoptera
superordo = Endopterygota|
ordo = Diptera
subordo = Brachycera
infraordo = Tabanomorpha
superfamilia = Tabanoidea
familia = Tabanidae
subfamilia = Tabaninae
tribus = Tabanini
genus = "Tabanus"
species = "T. lineola"
binomial = "Tabanus lineola"
binomial_authority = Fabricius, 1794

"Tabanus lineola" also known as the Striped horse fly is a species of biting horse-fly. It is know from the eastern and southern United States and the Gulf coast of Mexico. [cite book|author=Cornelius B. Philip,|year=1942 |title=Notes on Nearctic Tabaninæ. Part III. The Tabanus Lineola Complex|pages=pp. 25-40|Psyche, vol. 49, no. 1-2]


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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