

The term tweet, and words and expressions starting with tweet, may refer to:

*A bird song (onomatopoeia), the sound produced by a bird, especially small birds
**The small bird itself (childish, also named tweetybird)
*A high-frequency sound from a loudspeaker or tweeter
*Tweet, an American R&B/soul singer-songwriter
*"Tweetie Pie", a 1947 Academy Award-winning animated short
*Tweety Bird, a fictional character in various cartoons ("Tweetie Pie" being one of them)
*T-37 Tweet trainer and A-37 Dragonfly light-attack aircraft (the latter aka Super Tweet)
*Tweety González, an Argentinian musician
*A message on Twitter
**To send a message via Twitter

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  • Tweet — Datos generales Nombre real Charlene L. Keys Nacimiento 4 marzo 1971 Origen Rochester (Nueva York) …   Wikipedia Español

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