

Infobox Beverage

type=Aged Vodka
manufacturer=Polmos Szczecin
origin=Poland, Lithuania
introduced=15th century
variants= Starka 10 years old Starka Jubileuszowa 15 years old

Starka Patria 20 years old Starka Piastowska 25 years old Starka Banquet 30 years old

Starka 50 - 50 years old

Starka is a traditional dry vodka distilled from rye grain, produced mostly in Poland and Lithuania. Traditional Starka is made from natural (up to 2 distillations, no rectification) rye spirit and aged in oak barrels with small addition of lime-tree flowers and apple-tree leaves. The process of production is similar to that used in whisky. Sold in various varieties, the most notable difference between them is the length of aging period, varying from 5 to over 50 years. And the natural colour which is taken from the long reaction between alcohol and the oak not from the addings.


Starka was known in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth at least since 15th century and by 17th century became one of the favourite drinks of the Gentry and an integral part of Sarmatist culture. The tradition had it that at child's birth, the father of the house poured large amounts of home-made spirit (approximately 75% strong) into an empty oak barrel, previously used to store wine (usually imported from Hungary at that time and hence called "Węgrzyn", or "Hungarian"). The barrel was then sealed with beeswax and dug into sandy ground, only to be dug out at child's wedding. The name itself stems from this process of aging and in 15th century Polish meant both the vodka type and an old woman. Alternatively the name is derived from Lithuanian word "Starkus" (Stork), as production of Starka is associated with birth.

In late 19th century various companies (mostly in Imperial Russia and Austria-Hungary) slightly simplified the production process and adopted it to the needs of mass production by the Lwów-based Baczewski company. After the end of World War I, which put an end to foreign rule over former parts of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, starka remained one of the most popular spirits in both countries. After World War II when Lithuania was occupied by the Soviet Union, starka production there was stopped and went underground. In Poland, all of the spirit producers were nationalized, but the production of starka continued, mostly as a high-priced export good.

Currently there is just one companie in Poland that produce Starka. The one is "Polmos Szczecin" company, the only one to offer Starka in all age classes (from 10 to 50 years). All Starkas produced by Polmos Szczecin contain 50% alcohol by volume. There is also 10 year old Starka containing 40%. The oldest Starkas offered by Polmos aged since 1947. There is also a number of other companies (most notably in Lithuania, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Russia and Latvia) to produce vodkas styled after the starka (produced mostly from a mixture of rectified spirit and herbal tinctures).

External links

* [ Stumbras] , producer of Starka in Lithuana
* [ Polmos Szczecin] , one of the most respected manufacturers of Starka

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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