My Brother Mon Frere

My Brother Mon Frere

My Brother Mon Frere (originally Cheze de Crunchaes) was an influential funk band from Anaheim, California. The band produced one studio album entitled "Let's Kick It", and repeatedly performed with other notable Orange County bands such as Save Ferris. The band's lineup included Jody Lucero on guitar & vocals, John Cunningham on bass, Dan Bush on guitar (now a member of [ Thee Makeout Party] ), and Jason Boesel on drums (now a member of Rilo Kiley, and a frequent contributor to Conor Oberst albums); the original band lineup included Jeff Numainville on guitar and Nathan Savage on bass.

Additional Information

* Jason Boesel and James Valentine, a member of Square at the time (now a member of Maroon 5), first met and became friends while Jason was a member of My Brother Mon Frere. These two would later collaborate on the Jenny Lewis album Rabbit Fur Coat, among others.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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