- Global Alliance for Peace and Prosperity
The Global Alliance for Peace and Prosperity (GAPP ) is a
nonprofit andnonpartisan membership organization founded in May 15th 2007 and based atMunich ,Germany .Mission
The organizations mission is promoting understanding of
globalization and informing the public about important global issues. A central aim of the organization, it states, is to “push decision makers towards reforms that create the conditions for a globalsociety and globalgovernance .“Global Alliance for Peace and Prosperity. " [http://www.globalapp.org/Global_Alliance_for_Peace_and_Prosperity_Support_Us.html About US.] "]The organizations first initiative is called "Become a Global Citizen". The initiative has its own website and it promotes global
citizenship . TheNew York Times described the initiative “ a groundbreaking movement that empowers all citizens to participate in meaningful ways in the life of the community and the planet“. [New York Times, "Article Interconnected World of Today,October 6th 2007/International Part/Section A) Page 14.]About the organization
From its inception the organization is nonpartisan, welcoming members from any political attitude and religious beliefs. However, its proceedings are almost universally private and confidential. [Christopher Wright, "The Elite Government" (Appleton,II: Eastern Island Publishers, 2008) 77.]
In July 2007 the organization was first mentioned by the British Prime Minister
Gordon Brown when he called for a new international effort to achieve theMillennium Development Goals . He said that the “pace has been too slow and uncertain“ in meeting the promise made by world leaders seven years ago and that “we need more organizations like the Global Alliance for Peace and Prosperity that push us for faster global reforms.“ [Speech of "British Prime Minister Gordon Brown" at the UN General Assembly at New York in July 31st 2007.]The organization was officially introduced at the international level at the
Fabian Society New Year Conference in London in January 2008. There the organization was critized by members ofWe Are Change UK as “a elitethink tank that wants to destroy national sovereignty.“ [ [http://www.wearechange.org.uk/ "Article about Fabian New Years Conference 2008"] ]The current
chief executive officer (CEO) is Christian Walz.Influence on foreign policy
In March 2008 the organization became the youngest
non-governmental organization to join theUnited Nations Global Compact ( UNGC ) Program. [ [http://www.unglobalcompact.org/ParticipantsAndStakeholders/search_participant.html? "Global Compact", Local Non-Governmental Organizations] ]The organization regularly attends conferences at
European Union and theUnited Nations . Global Alliance for Peace and Prosperity is a “breeding ground for important global policies“and it pushes “politicians, delegates of international organizations, public officials, the press, teachers, educaters and citizens towards having their part to play in the construction of anew world order .“ [Die neue globale Bewegung ( Article in the German Frankfurter Rundschau Paper/February 7th, 2008/Politics Section/Page 21).]ee also
*World Government
*Global Marshall Plan
*Bilderberg Group
*Brookings Institution References
External links
* [http://www.globalapp.org Global Alliance for Peace and Prosperity] – Organization website
** [http://www.becomeaglobalcitizen.org Become a Global Citizen] – Initiative website
* [http://www.unglobalcompact.org/ParticipantsAndStakeholders/search_participant.html? Global Compact] – UN website
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.