Solution architecture

Solution architecture

Solution Architecture is either 1: documentation describing the structure and behaviour of a solution to a problem. Or 2: a process for describing a solution and the work to deliver it.

Solution architecture is a kind of architecture that aims to address specific problems and requirements, usually through the design of specific information systems or applications.

The documentation is typically divided into a broad views, each known as an architecture domain. The process is typically one such as the Avancier Method (reference 1).

Solution architecture is relative of enterprise architecture (reference 2). The solution described may be all or part of what an enterprise architect's migration plan delivers. The solution might be unrelated to any such plan.

Solution architecture often leads to software architecture work (reference 3) and technical architecture work, and often contains elements of those.

A Solutions Architect is often but not always focused on technical architecture and the meeting of non-functional requirements, often in the context of deploying specific applications.


1. The "Open Reference Model for Enterprise and Solution Architects" used in the Avancier Method.

2. TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework).

3. “Patterns of enterprise application architecture” by Martin Fowler.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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