

Plume may refer to:

In fashion:
* A prominent bird feather often used as an ornament
** Hackle, an ornamental plume on a uniform headdress

In literature:
* Plume (publishing), an American book publishing company
* "Plumes", a 1924 novel by Laurence Stallings

In music:
* Plume (band), an electronic/punk duo
* Plume Latraverse, Canadian singer, musician, and writer
* A 2006 album by Loscil
* A song by the The Smashing Pumpkins on their album "Pisces Iscariot"

In science:
* Plume (hydrodynamics), the form of effluent in water or emissions in air
* Mantle plume, a geologic process associated with upwelling rock
* Plumage, the layer of feathers that cover a bird and the pattern, colour, and arrangement of those feathers

In television:
* "Plume" (Air episode), a 2005 episode of the Japanese anime "Air"

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  • plume — PLUME. s. f. Ce qui couvre les oiseaux, & sert à les soustenir en l air. La menuë plume des oiseaux s appelle duvet. arracher les plumes de l aile, de le queuë d un oiseau. cet oiseau muë, toute sa plume tombe. un lit de plume. des plumes de coq …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Plume ! — Plume ! Contexte général Champs d’action Vulgarisation scientifique à vocation multimédia et multidisciplinaire Fiche d’identité Fondation 2006 Siège central …   Wikipédia en Français

  • plume — Plume, C est toute plume de volatille, combien que aucuns veulent appeler Penne, celle qui est de gros tuyau, et Plume celle qui l est de court et gresle, et Duvet, la plus menuë molle et flouete. Les anciens François par ce mot, Plume,… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Plume — Plume, n. [F., fr. L. pluma. Cf. {Fly}, v.] [1913 Webster] 1. A feather; esp., a soft, downy feather, or a long, conspicuous, or handsome feather. [1913 Webster] Wings . . . of many a colored plume. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) An… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • plume — [plo͞om] n. [OFr < L pluma, downy part of a feather, small soft feather < IE base * pleus , to pluck out, fluff of wool, hair > FLEECE] 1. a) a feather, esp. a large, fluffy, or showy one b) a cluster of such feathers 2. an ornament made …   English World dictionary

  • Plume — (engl. urspr. „Helmbusch“) steht für: senkrechte Ströme heißen Materials aus dem tiefen Erdmantel, die sich aufgrund der Mantelkonvektion einstellen; siehe Plume (Geologie) aufsteigende Gasmassen in der Atmosphäre eines Planeten in der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Plume — Plume, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Plumed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Pluming}.] [Cf. F. plumer to pluck, to strip, L. plumare to cover with feathers.] 1. To pick and adjust the plumes or feathers of; to dress or prink. [1913 Webster] Pluming her wings among the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • plume — late 14c., a feather (especially a large and conspicuous one), from O.Fr. plume, from L. pluma feather, down, from PIE root *pleus to pluck, a feather, fleece (Cf. O.E. fleos fleece ). Meaning a long streamer of smoke, etc. is first attested 1878 …   Etymology dictionary

  • plume — ► NOUN 1) a long, soft feather or arrangement of feathers. 2) a long spreading cloud of smoke or vapour. 3) Geology a column of magma rising by convection in the earth s mantle. ► VERB 1) (plumed) decorated with feathers. 2) (of smoke or vapour)… …   English terms dictionary

  • Plume — (plüm), frz., Feder; (–moh), Federkissen; P.t (–mäh), Hutfeder; plumage (–mahsch), Federbusch; plumos, befiedert; mit federartigen Haaren besetzt …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

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