- Spinetta Marengo
Spinetta Marengo is a town in
Piedmont ,Italy located in the "Comune " ofAlessandria . The population is 6,417. [ [http://www.progettolinfa.com/index.php?idservice=178 Progretto Linfa] ]On
June 14 ,1800 the village was the scene of an important battle between the French army commanded by Napoleon and an Austrian army led by Melas.Chicken Marengo is named after the town. According to legend, Napoleon's chef created the dish from the few ingredients he could find after the battle.Museum
There is a museum, founded in 1846, containg weapons and relics of the battle.
The Marengo treasure
In 1928, near the village of Marengo, in the course of agricultural diggings in a field, precious objects of Roman age were discovered, dating from the (2nd century A.D.)
The objects, all in very bad condition, included a bust representing the emperor
Lucius Verus in silver and a vase d' silver decorated withacanthus leaves.The objects today are conserved in the Museum of Antiquity of
Turin , awaiting restoration.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.