

Infobox Settlement
official_name =Hakko Հակկո
native_name =

mapsize =150px
subdivision_type = Country
subdivision_name = Armenia
subdivision_type1 = Marz (Province)
subdivision_name1 =Aragatsotn
leader_title =
leader_name =
established_title =
established_date =
area_total_km2 =
area_footnotes =
population_as_of = 2001
population_total =229
population_density_km2 =
timezone =
utc_offset = +4
timezone_DST =
utc_offset_DST = +5
latd=40 |latm=22 |lats=52 |latNS=N
longd=43|longm=41 |longs=58 |longEW=E
elevation_m =
area_code =
website =

Hakko ( _hy. Հակկո, also Romanized as Akko) is a town in the Aragatsotn Province of Armenia.


* [http://www.armstat.am/file/doc/70.pdf Report of the results of the 2001 Armenian Census]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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