Acapulco H.E.A.T.

Acapulco H.E.A.T.

infobox television
show_name = Acapulco H.E.A.T.

caption =
format = Action
runtime = Approximately 60 minutes
starring = Catherine Oxenberg
Brendan Kelly
John Vernon
creator =
country = USA
network = Syndication
first_aired = September 28, 1993
last_aired = June 5, 1999
num_seasons = 2
num_episodes = 48
imdb_id = 0105930
tv_com_id = 195

Acapulco H.E.A.T. is a short-lived 1993 syndicated television series which followed the Hemisphere Emergency Action Team, a group of "specialists" based in Acapulco, Mexico and recruited to fight a secret war on terrorists.


The series starts when Ashley Hunter-Coddington (Catherine Oxenberg), a former MI6 operative, teams up with former CIA agent, Mike Savage (Brendan Kelly), to form the H.E.A.T. team.

The team, based in Puerto Vallarta, is a group of specialists funded by an undercover organization linked to the United Nations (Mr. Smith - their contact - has his office in the basement of the UN building in New York) and recruited to fight against international terrorism. They operate throughout the Caribbean and around the world behind the unlikely cover of being the owners and models for a fashion company specializing in beach wear.

In the second season, the team was also based in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. The only returning cast members were Alison Armitage and Michael Worth. This time, the team was no longer funded by the government, but by a private investor.


The show initially lasted only one season (1993-94), but was brought back for a second season in 1996 with a mostly new cast. This second season was produced for distribution in Europe but also aired in the U.S. in 1998. A total of 48 episodes were made between the two seasons.

Main characters

Original Cast (1993-94)

*Ashley Hunter-Coddington (Catherine Oxenberg) - A former British MI6 operative and founder and leader of the H.E.A.T. team. She usually posed undercover as a photographer for their made-up model/beachwear agency.
*Mike Savage (Brendan Kelly) - A former CIA agent and co-founder/leader of the H.E.A.T. team. He also posed as a photographer for the agency.
*Cat (Catherine) Avery Pascal (Alison Armitage) - A sexy ex-burglar. She poses as one of the models of the agency. One of only two actors to return for the second season.
*Brett Richardson (Spencer Rochfort) - A handsome young man that was a former Navy SEAL and the team's weapons and explosive expert.
*Krissie Valentine (Holly Floria) - A sexy computer expert. She provides the team with useful information for their missions, and poses undercover as one of the models of the agency, along with Cat. She was romantically involved with Marcos.
*Marcos Chavez (Randy Vasquez) - A former member of the Federales in Mexico and an expert in undercover missions. His large family also provided the team with information on things going on in and around Acapulco (they are referred to but never seen). He was romantically involved with Krissie.
*Tommy Chase (Michael Worth) - The only other actor to return for the second season, and a martial arts expert.
*Arthur Small (Graham Heywood) - An uptight guy that worked most of the logistics of each mission.

*Claudio (Fabio) - Owner of the hotel where the team had their headquarters. He was seldom seen in the series, and ended up being dropped in early 1994.
*Mr. Smith (John Vernon) - He's seen only via video link. He's the government agent that assigns the team their missions.

econd Cast (1996-97)

The second season featured only two members of the original cast (Alison Armitage and Michael Worth) with two new members.

*Nicole Bernard (Lydie Denier) - A former spy that re-organized the H.E.A.T. team to help her track a stolen necklace.
*Joanna Barnes (Christa Sauls) - The new computer expert of the team.

In one of the final episodes of the series entitled "Codename: Blood Ties", Tommy and Cat are reunited with Brett Richardson and Marcos Chavez, from the first season.

Noted Guest Stars

*David Carradine
*Chase Masterson

Episode Guide

First Season (1993-94)

DVD Releases

Mill Creek Entertainment has released the entire series on DVD in Region 1 for the very first time. The first season was released on June 27, 2006, Season 2 was released on October 31, 2006. On May 6, 2008, Mill Creek Entertainment will release Acapulco H.E.A.T.- The Complete sereis, an 11-disc boxset featuring all 48 episodes of the series.

External links

* [ Acapulco H.E.A.T. in Show Guide]
*imdb title|0105930|Acapulco H.E.A.T. (1998)
* [ Acapulco HEAT Episode Guide]

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