

The name Nesoi can mean:-

  • Nesoi (mythology) - In ancient Greek mythology , a class of goddesses ruling islands.
  • NESOI is also an acronym short for: Not Elsewhere Specified or Indicated. Used in categorizing cargo in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule for the United States for a cargo item whose characteristics are not elsewhere specified or indicated.

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  • Nesoi — En mitología griega, las Nesoi eran las diosas de las islas. De cada isla se decía que tenía su propia personificación. Fueron clasificadas como unos de los antiguos dioses elementales llamados Protogenoi. De las islas Nesoi se decía que habían… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Nesoi (mythology) — For other meanings see Nesoi. In Greek mythology, the Nesoi (Greek αἱ Nῆσοι the islands ) were the goddesses of islands. Each island was said to have its own personification. They were classified as one of the ancient elemental gods called… …   Wikipedia

  • NESOI — noun Acronym for Not Otherwise Specified or Indicated, used to refer to items exported between countries, usually requiring an export license …   Wiktionary

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