- Touch football
The name touch football may refer to several similar but unrelated games. The most popular of these are:
Touch football (American)
*Touch football (rugby league) - Australian & NZ version of Touch Footy
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
The name touch football may refer to several similar but unrelated games. The most popular of these are:
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
touch football — touch .football n [U] AmE a type of American football in which you touch the person with the ball instead of tackling them … Dictionary of contemporary English
touch football — touch ,football noun uncount an informal type of football in which players do not TACKLE each other (=knock each other to the ground) but they can touch each other … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
touch football — ☆ touch football n. an informal variety of football in which a defensive player stops a play by touching the ballcarrier (usually with both hands) rather than by tackling … English World dictionary
touch football — noun a version of American football in which the ball carrier is touched rather than tackled • Hypernyms: ↑American football, ↑American football game * * * noun [noncount] : a form of American football in which the player with the ball is not… … Useful english dictionary
Touch football (American) — Touch football is a version of American football originally developed by the U.S. Navy in the 1940s in which the players tackle the individual carrying the ball only by touching him with one or two hands, based on whether one is playing the one… … Wikipedia
touch football — touch′ foot′ball n. spo a kind of football in which a touch is used instead of a tackle to stop the ballcarrier • Etymology: 1930–1935 … From formal English to slang
Touch football (rugby league) — Touchis a field game also known as Touch Football (particularly in Australia), Six Down (in South Africa) and Touch Rugby. In games of Touch, which originated from the sport of rugby league, touching an opposing player replaces a tackle, reducing … Wikipedia
Touch Football - Australian Nationals — The Australian Touch Association (ATA) National Championships featured the seven Australian states. The finals of this competition were traditionally played between Queensland and New South Wales, the two most dominant touch playing states, with… … Wikipedia
Touch Football World Cup — The first Touch Football World Cup tournament was held in 1988.World Cup Results 1988 20071995 USA, Hawaii (Waikiki Beach)World Cup # : 3 Dates : March 21–25, 1995 Participants : 11 (American Samoa, Australia, Cook Islands, Japan, New Zealand,… … Wikipedia
touch football — /tʌtʃ ˈfʊtbɔl/ (say tuch footbawl) noun a simplified form of the Rugby codes in which a player with the ball who is touched by an opponent is considered to have been tackled and must play the ball. Also, tip football, touch, touch footie …