- Sacredcharge
Infobox VG
title = SacredChargeSacredCharge is a Bellato
mystic in the gameRF Online . As a deeply devoted believer ofGod and follower of theChurch , he is one of the mystics in the Federation who can conjure powerful spells of the Light. As a man of religion, the only thing that can equal his faith is his power in arcane magic. He can sunder his enemies with the power of the four elements at the same time uplift his people with his uncanny ability to heal disease or injury with the use of holy force. He can also unleash a very powerful ray of light that overload one's retina causing total blindness, a special ability called Nerve Palsy. As a mystic, he has been elevated to a higher plane and to a title of Soul Chandra, meaning he had accomplished numerous arcane tasks, excelled in the most difficult examinations and most of all earned highest form of enlightenment in the form of being canonized as asaint while still serving in the federation. He wields a powerfulstaff and wearsarmor that is aided with high technology to further enhance his power. Using his weapon makes him destructive, but using hisshield makes him almost impregnable, coming out with only minor cuts and bruises after holding down the most devastating attacks. His skills exceed far those of the Chandras and even those of other Soul Chandras in the Federation making him one of the most feared warrior-cleric in the battlefield.External links
* [http://www.rfonline.ph Official "RF Online"-Philippines website] - by Level Up Games, publisher of the game in the Philippines.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.