Józef Szajna

Józef Szajna

Józef Szajna (b. March 13, 1922 in Rzeszów, Poland, d. June 24, 2008 in Warsaw) was a Polish scenery designer, stage director, playwright, theoretician of the theatre, painter and graphic artist.

During the Second World War and occupation of Poland, Szajna was a prisoner of the German concentration camps Auschwitz and Buchenwald.

See also

* Centre of Polish Sculpture

Further reading

* Archives and art collection at the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim.
* Bodek, Andrzej, ed. Reminiszenzen: ein Environment von Prof. Jósef Szajna: zum 50. Jahrestag der Befreiung von Auschwitz-Birkenau. Frankfurt am Main, 1995.
* Archives and art collection at the Buchenwald Memorial Museum, Weimar.
* Madeyski, Jerzy and Andrzej Zurowski. Józef Szajna: plastyka, teatr. Warsaw, 1992.
* Milton, Sybil and Janet Blatter. Art of the Holocaust. New York, 1981.
* Sybil Milton interviews and conversations with Józef Szajna at Warsaw 1980 and 1995,
* Auschwitz 1988, and Venice 1990.
* Oleksy, Krystyna, ed. Swiat Józefa Szajny. Oświęcim, 1995.
* Józef Szajna: Appell: Geschichtszeichen und Kunstwerk in der Dauerausstellung zur
* Geschichte des Konzentrationslagers Buchenwald. Weimar, 1995.
* Szajna, Józef. "Replika - Erinnerungen: Künstleriche Protest-Aktion gegen den Terror," and "Gespräch zwischen Detlef Hoffmann und Józef Szajna," in Detlef Hoffmann and Karl Ermert, eds. Kunst und Holocaust: Loccumer Protokolle, No. 14 (1990), 74-99.

External links

* [http://lastexpression.northwestern.edu/Bios/bio_szajna_top.html Information and pictures regarding the Józef Szajna's sojourn in the Auschwitz and Buchenwald Concentration Camps during WWII]
* [http://lastexpression.northwestern.edu/interviews/interview_szajnaeng_windowsmedia.html Video interview with Józef Szajna Windows Media Version]
* [http://www.culture.pl/en/culture/artykuly/os_szajna_jozef Biography of Józef Szajna at Polish Culture]
* [http://www.polishculture-nyc.org/szajna_new1.htm Biography of Józef Szajna at Polish Culture NYC]
* [http://www.scrapbookpages.com/Buchenwald/Museum.html Buchenwald Museum - Photographs of Józef Szajna's works]
* [http://www.3pytania.pl/english/galer2.html Józef Szajna's contribution to the webpages of a "Why Auschwitz? Why Kolyma? Why Kosovo?" competition organised by Znak, a Polish Christian Culture Foundation]
* [http://www.culture.pl/en/culture/artykuly/wy_wy_szajna_teatr_dap Article occasioned by a December 2002 exhibition Jozef Szajna - Theater]
* [http://www.teatr-rzeszow.com/index.php?s=szajna&l=en Articles about Józef Szajna - Teatr im. Siemaszkowej in Rzeszów]
* [http://www.masdearte.com/item_critica.cfm?body=yes&id=333&criticoid=22 Art and Auschwitz - Józef Szajna's "The Rall Call Lasted Very Long ... My Feet Hurt Very Much"," ca. 1944-45 ca. 1944-45] (in Spanish)

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