- Poecilosomella
name = "Poecilosomella"
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Arthropod a
subphylum =Hexapoda
classis =Insect a
subclassis =Pterygota
infraclassis =Neoptera
superordo =Endopterygota |
ordo = Diptera
subordo =Brachycera
infraordo =Muscomorpha
zoosectio =Schizophora
zoosubsectio =Acalyptratae
superfamilia =Sphaeroceroidea
familia =Sphaeroceridae
subfamilia =Limosininae
genus = "Poecilosomella"
genus_authority = Duda, 1920
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text"Poecilosomella" is a genus of
flies belonging to the familySphaeroceridae . These small flies, often with attractive patterning on the wings and body, are commonly found in a wide range of habitats throughout theOld World andAustralasia .pecies
Poecilosomella aciculata "
*"Poecilosomella affinis "
*"Poecilosomella albipes "
*"Poecilosomella amputata "
*"Poecilosomella angulata "
*"Poecilosomella annulitibia "
*"Poecilosomella apicata "
*"Poecilosomella arnaudi "
*"Poecilosomella borboroides "
*"Poecilosomella borborus "
*"Poecilosomella brevisecunda "
*"Poecilosomella brunetti "
*"Poecilosomella capensis "
*"Poecilosomella conspicua "
*"Poecilosomella cryptica "
*"Poecilosomella curvipes "
*"Poecilosomella dudai "
*"Poecilosomella formosana "
*"Poecilosomella furcata "
*"Poecilosomella hayashii "
*"Poecilosomella himalayensis "
*"Poecilosomella insularis "
*"Poecilosomella longecostata "
*"Poecilosomella longicalcar "
*"Poecilosomella longinervis "
*"Poecilosomella mirabilis "
*"Poecilosomella multipunctata "
*"Poecilosomella nepalensis "
*"Poecilosomella nigra "
*"Poecilosomella nigrotibia "
*"Poecilosomella pappi "
*"Poecilosomella paraciculata "
*"Poecilosomella paracryptica "
*"Poecilosomella pectiniterga "
*"Poecilosomella peniculifera "
*"Poecilosomella pilimana "
*"Poecilosomella pilipino "
*"Poecilosomella punctipennis "
*"Poecilosomella rectinervis "
*"Poecilosomella ronkayi "
*"Poecilosomella sabahi "
*"Poecilosomella spinicauda "
*"Poecilosomella spinipes "
*"Poecilosomella subpilimana "
*"Poecilosomella varians "References
* [http://zipcodezoo.com/Key/Poecilosomella_Genus.asp "Poecilosomella" at Zipcodezoo]
*cite journal |quotes=no |url=http://actazool.nhmus.hu/48/lpapp.pdf |title=Eighteen new Oriental species of "Poecilosomella" Duda (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae) |journal=Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae |volume=48 (2) |year=2002 |author=L. Papp |pages=107–156
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