

DOM-X, sometimes often referred to as DOM-X, Domx or Domplayer, is a fabricated application program and/or software codec alleged to have the ability to play encrypted and/or otherwise protected media content.

DOM-X is a universally recognized[original research?][clarification needed][specify] form of malware, capable of execution under the Microsoft Windows platforms. It can allegedly perform an array of undesirable once installed, such as reporting copyright violation.

DOM-X is distributed in two stages: First, the distributors create a fake video file, typically targeting a new cinema release. On execution of the video file, the user will see the following message, or similar:[original research?]

This media file can only be played using DOM-X
Please visit to download"

The second stage of distribution occurs here, where a user visits the given website address and is presented with varying options for software purchase and download.


Though it is not clear how this malicious strain of software was first started, some believe[who?] it to be the result of anti-piracy groups such as the MPAA and RIAA attempting to enforce copyright laws.[citation needed] A recent entry on[by whom?][specify] says a new copyright enforcement agency called MediaDefender may be the culprit.[citation needed][original research?] However, it is unlikely that an official, legal organisation is behind DOM-X.[original research?]

The first form of this software was circulated around December 2006 when the movie Eragon first debuted in cinemas.[citation needed]

Since December 2006 the distribution of the malware has been far more widespread.[citation needed][original research?] It has been observed[by whom?][clarification needed] that P2P software, especially the Bittorrent program, has been the center of the target for this malware. Since it is easy to manufacture a file and make it look legitimate[original research?], many false representations of otherwise illegally distributed media[specify] have been produced and sent across extensive P2P platforms and masked as real media content.[citation needed]


YouTube video explaining the DOMX PLAYER.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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