Afan FM

Afan FM

Afan FM is a Community Radio Station broadcasting from and to the Neath Port Talbot area, Wales, United Kingdom. It is operated by Neath Port Talbot Broadcasting and is based within the AquaDome Leisure Centre Complex on Aberavon Seafront. The station broadcasts a hit-music led information service serving 11-25 year olds in the Neath Port Talbot County Borough.

It was established in 2003 by local resident Craig Williams and went on to run five RSL trial broadcasts before becoming the UK's first new Community Radio Station in April 2005.

Afan FM began test transmissions on its 107.9Mhz frequency on April 17th 2007 and launched permanently at 2pm on April 20th 2007. The first song to be played on Afan FM was Feeder's "Just A Day"

The station has since been given clearance to launch a second transmitter for the Neath area on 97.4Mhz in 2008.


* [ Ofcom – Afan FM] "Afan FM (Neath and Port Talbot). Afan FM will provide a music-based information service for the Neath-Port Talbot area, aimed specifically at young people aged 11-25."

External links

* [ Afan FM (official site)]

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