Sum rule in quantum mechanics
- Sum rule in quantum mechanics
In quantum mechanics, a sum rule is a formula for transitions between energy levels, in which the sum of the transition strengths is expressed in a simple form. Sum rules are used to describe the properties of many physical systems, including solids, atoms, atomic nuclei, and nuclear constituents such as protons and neutrons. The sum rules are derived from quite general principles, and are useful in situations where the behavior of individual energy levels is too complex to describe by a precise quantum-mechanical theory. In general, sum rules are derived by using Heisenberg's quantum-mechanical algebra to construct operator equalities, which are then applied to particles or the energy levels of a system.
Derivation of sum rules
Assume that the Hamiltonian has a completeset of eigenfunctions with eigenvalues::For the Hermitian operator we define therepeated commutator by::The operator is Hermitian since is defined to be Hermitian. The operator isanti-Hermitian::By induction one finds::and also:For a Hermitian operator we have:Using this relation we derive::The result can be written as:
For this gives::
[Sanwu Wang, {it Generalization of the Thomas-Reiche-Kuhn and the Bethe sum rules,} Physical Review A {f 60,} 262 (1999).]
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