

name = CodeLite

caption =
developer = Eran Ifrah
programming language = C++
latest release version = v1.0
latest release date = release date and age|2008|7|1
latest preview version = [ Downloads at SourceForge]
operating_system = Cross-platform
status = Active
genre = IDE
license = GNU GPL
website =

CodeLite is a free, open-source, cross-platform IDE for the C/C++ programming languages.


On August 2006 Eran Ifrah, CodeLite's author, started a little project named CodeLite. The idea, was to create a code completion library based on ctags, SQLite (hence, CodeLite) and a Yacc based parser that could be used by other IDEs.

LiteEditor, a demo application - was developed for demonstrating CodeLite's functionalities. As time passed, LiteEditor turned out to be an efficient coding environment and so CodeLite was born.


CodeLite is a free, open source, cross platform IDE for the C/C++ programming languages using the [ wxWidgets] toolkit. To comply with CodeLite's open source spirit, it is compiled and debugged using only free tools (MinGW and GDB)

CodeLite features project management (workspace / projects), code completion, code refactoring, source browsing, syntax highlight, Subversion integration, cscope integration, UnitTest++ integration, an interactive debugger built over gdb, a powerful source code editor (based on Scintilla) and much more.

Distributed under the GNU General Public License v2 or Later. CodeLite is free software and will remain so.
CodeLite is being developed and debugged using itself as the development platform.

External Links

[ CodeLite Home]

[ CodeLite forums]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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