- Soil conditioner
A soil conditioner, also called a soil amendment, is a material added to
soil to improve plant growth and health. The type of conditioner added depends on the current soil composition,climate , and the type of plant. Some soils lacknutrients necessary for proper plant growth and others hold too much or too little water. A conditioner or a combination of conditioners corrects the soil's deficiencies. Lime is used to makesoil lessacidic , as is lime-containingcrushed stone .Fertilizer s, such aspeat ,manure , anaerobicdigestate orcompost add depleted plantnutrient s. Materials such asclay ,vermiculite ,hydrogel , and shreddedbark will make soil hold more water.Gypsum releases nutrients and improves soil structure. Sometimes asoil inoculant is added forlegume s.Unless clay is incorporated into a healthy crumb structure, water may bond to it too strongly to be available to plant roots.
ee also
Leaf mold
*Rock flour
*Terra preta
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