

Infobox German Location
Wappen = Gauting_Wappen.pnglat_deg = 48 | lat_min = 05 | lat_sec = 34
lon_deg = 11 | lon_min = 24 | lon_sec = 02
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Bayern
Regierungsbezirk = Oberbayern
Landkreis = Starnberg
Einwohner = 3250
PLZ = 82131
Vorwahl = 089
Kfz = STA
Stockdorf is the biggest community under administation of Gauting in the District of Starnberg in upper Bavaria, Germany and is inhabited by approximately 4,000 citizens.


The village is situated at the Würm River, directly bordered in the north by Krailling. The other boundaries are formed by forrest: Forst Kasten, Grubmühl and Kreulinger Forst in eastern, southern and western direction. Stockdorf lies at the northern end of the Würm Valley, formed by melting glaciers of the glacial period.


A field of cairn from Bronze Age and hallstatt culture give evidence of the very early settlement at Stockdorf. At least 21 cairns were well preserved when Freiherr von Metting, a forrest superintendent from Starnberg opend two of these graves and discovered a branzen bowl, a sword of iron and other smithery.During the Roman Empire Stockdorf was a colony to the Roman city "Bratananium" as Gauting was called.In the Middle Ages Stockdorf was a small clearing and consistet of less then 10 buildings. [Josef Sturm: Die Rodungen in den Forsten um München. Frankfurt a.M.: Hermann-Göring-Akademie der deutschen Forstwirtschaft, 1941] The medieval village can be situated near the old St. Vitus church.

The name Stockdorf was first mentioned in a deed of Benediktbeuern monastery 1279 as "Stochdorf". Presumably it is identical with "Staodorf" (MHG 'on the bank') and can be deducted from "Stadelaren" which was already mentioned in the chronicals of Ebersberg Abbey. [Siegfried Rehm: Die Stockdorfer, ihre Häuser und die Suche nach Stadelaren. Quellenforschungen 11.-19. Jahrhundert. Stockdorf: Verlag Siegfried Rehm.]

Between 1715 and 1745 the Bavarian prince-elector Max Emanuel enclosed a large piece of land in the south west of Munich as a park for coursing deer. [ [ Projekt Hirschjagdpark | Galerie Royal ] ] .In November 1734 the prince-elector and later emperor Carl Albrecht fell into the Würm River while pursuing a boar. Having thus lost his horse and hence of the icy temperature he hardly survived by walking to Grubmühl. The scene of the prince changing clothes amongst his court is shown on one of the painings by Horemans at Amalienburg. [Norbert Hierl-Deronco: Es ist eine Lust zu bauen: von Bauherren, Bauleuten und vom Bauen im Barock in Kurbayern - Franken - Rheinland. Krailling: Verlag Hierl-Deronco, 2001. ISBN 3929884089]

The reform of the Bavarian administration under Montgelas lead to the annexation of Stockdorf by Gauting between 1808 and 1818.

When the new rail road from Munich to Starnberg (later extended to Garmisch) opened in 1854 Stockdorf got a train station which is still regular stop to commuting trains. As the Würm Valley became the typical suburban resort for wealthy citizens form nearby Bavarian capital, the population of Stockdorf grew from 75 in 1866 to more then 1,500 in 1960. The village was especially popular for artists and many painters, illustraters and musicians settled down here.



* Catholic parish St. Vitus, Waldstr. 28 [] .
* Lutheran congregation "Ev. Kirchengemeinde", Peter-Dörfler-Str. 14 [] .


* Primary school "Grundschule an der Würm", Zugspitzstr. 17
* Training center for the building industrie [ BauindustrieZentrum] , Heimstr. 17


Apart of the house Bahnstr. 7 which dates back to the 17th century, all of Stockdorf's buildings have been erected since the 1850s.

The church of St. Vitus is mentioned as early as 1315 in the Konradian Register ("Konradinischer Matrikel") as succursal parish of Gauting. [Deutinger, M.V.: Die älteren Matrikeln des Bistums Freising, 3 Bände, hier: Band III, S. 217] In 1857 the church was torn down and reerrected with a gabled tower. [Wolfgang Krämer: Geschichte der Gemeinde Gauting einschließlich der Hofmarken Fußberg und Königswiesen nebst Grubmühle, Reismühle und Gemeinde Stockdorf sowie der Schwaigen Kreuzing und Pentenried. Selbstverlag der Gemeinde Gauting, 1949.] A fresco "Christ Pantokrator by Karl Manninger was painted 1968 in the interiour.

After Stockdorf became independent catholic parish in 1949 a new Church build by hans Heps and consecreted to St. Vitus in 1953. Notable is the deep longing gabel roof and the turret which give pleasant proportions to the stately structure. The eastern facade, above the main entrance of this westward oriented church shows the fresco of St. Veit (Vitus) by Erich Schickling. The interiour which had to be modified after the Second Vatican Council. The Mensa, chandleholder and via crucis by Johannes Dumanski and Hans Kreuz. [Lothar Altmann: Kirchen entlang der Würm. München, Zürich: Schnell & Steiner 1979] A bright peal of bells with three bells given by Otto, Wilhelm and Lina Baier (400 kg "Zu uns komme Dein Reich St. Vitus O.B. 1953", 250kg "Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute St. Antonius W.B. 1953" und 170 kg "Friede den Menschen auf Erden St. Maria L.B. 1953").

The Lutheran Chrich, a plain cubical building of fairfaced contrete, neighboured by L-shaped vicarage was erected 1959 by J. Semler and J. Haider. On the outside a concrete relief 'St. Peter on the water' by K. H. Hoffmann. In the interiour the remarkable baptistic window by Rupprecht Geiger (glued glass, 1960).

Since the opening of the Railroad there is the 'gate house' at the former level crossing, a two story brick building with overlaping gabeled roof (ca. 1853/54).

Stockdorf has a number of mensions and houses under preservation order dating before Word War I which give the village its typical sight. This suburban architecture of high standards can still be found, so eg at Südstr. 15 (2005 by Felix Bembé and Sebastian Dellinger) [Bayerische Architektenkammer (Hrsg.): Architektouren. München, 2007]

* Bennostraße 6/8: duplex with attic and studio skylight 1905/10.
* Kreuzweg 4: deteched house in art nouveau style with attic and typical country garden 1905/10.
* Mansions by Bernhard Schießl in reduced historistic style, 1906-1910: Zumpestraße 2 (villa with turret and hipped roof projections), Tellhöhe 5 and 7 (turret houses), Zweigstr. 2 (attic house with oriel)
* Bahnstraße 36: country home in modern-baroque-style with attic, oriel like structures and spire lights by A. von Schorn 1910.

The BauindustrieZentrum at Heimstraße was revamped in 1990 based on the "Lehrwerkstätte des Bayerischen Baugewerbeverbandes" by Willi Lorch 1937.


1929 the cosmetic manifacturer Franz Xaver Maier purchased a large neo-baroque facility at Zumpestr. Maier is known as one of the inventors of the permanent wave.

Since 1908 the Webasto AG, one of the worlds biggest automonitve suppliers is located in Stockdorf. From the former Eßlinger Draht- und Eisenwarenfabrik it was named after it's founder Wilhelm Baier and the village WBS and later WeBaSto.

At Wanneystr. 10 the electronic intelligence department of Bundesnachrichtendienst, the German federal intelligance is located, camouflaged as Bundesstelle für Fernmeldestatistik.

The "George-Vithoulkas-Stiftung für Klassische Homöopathie", an endowment for the promotion of research and teaching of classic homeopathy was founded in Stockdorf 1992.

Stockdorf is amongst the leading German communities for blogger. [Bloglandkarte]

Notable residents

* The pianist and music teacher Sophie Menter (1846-1918), a close friend to Franz Liszt lived in Stockdorf where she died 1918.
* Camilla Zumpe, wife of the conductor Hermann Zumpe, moved here after her husband has died.
* The medievalist Franz Kampers (1868-1929) died in Stockdorf.
* The draftsman Felix Schwormstädt (1870-1938) lived part of his life in Stockdorfer.
* The painter Walther Kerschensteiner (1887-1956) lived in Stockdorf.
* The painter Ernst Haider (1890-1988) lived in Stockdorf.
* Rudolf Buttmann, general director of the Bavarian states library (Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek), co-founder of the "Bürgerwehr" (militia), [cf] of the Thule-Gesellschaft and evan NSDAP (member nr. 4) lived in Stockdorf and committed suicid here in 1947.
* Lorenz Vilgertshofer (1900-1998), states secretary lived in Stockdorf until his death in 1998.
* The painter and illustrator Edith Fleissner-Plischke (1900-1957) of Gablonz lived from 1946 in Stockdorf.
* Bavarian secretary of justice Mathilde Berghofer-Weichner (1931-2008) lived in Stockdorf.


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