name = EchoVNC

caption =
developer = Echogent Systems, Inc.
latest_release_version = 2.35
latest_release_date = August 4, 2008

operating_system = Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
genre = Remote administration
license = GPL
website = []

EchoVNC is an opensource firewall-friendly remote desktop tool with support for VNC, Remote Desktop (RDP), and RAdmin servers and viewers. With it, a Windows PC or OSX Mac can be remotely accessed regardless of firewall, router or web proxy configuration. EchoVNC is produced by Echogent Systems, Inc., and is based on the opensource UltraVNC platform.


EchoVNC differs from RealVNC, TightVNC, UltraVNC and other VNC platforms in two ways. Firstly, it is built around the echoWare toolkit, which allows it to make "firewall friendly" Viewer to Server connections via a packet-relay server, called an "echoServer". Secondly, the EchoVNC platform enables these firewall friendly connections not only for itself, but for other remote desktop services that are enabled alongside it, including other VNC servers, Remote Desktop and RAdmin.

ee also

*Comparison of remote desktop software

External links

* [ EchoVNC] - Sourceforge project site

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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