

Infobox Ort in Österreich
Art = Stadt
Name = Schwaz
Wappen = Wappen at schwaz.pnglat_deg = 47 | lat_min = 21 | lat_sec = 00
lon_deg = 11 | lon_min = 42 | lon_sec = 00
Lageplan = map at-7 schwaz.pngLageplanbeschreibung = Location in Tyrol
Bundesland = Tirol
Bezirk = Schwaz
Höhe = 545
Fläche = 20.17
Einwohner = 12657
Stand = 2005-12-31
PLZ = 6130
Vorwahl = 05242
Kfz = SZ
Gemeindekennziffer = 7 09 26
NUTS = AT335
Straße = Franz-Josef-Strasse 2
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Hans Lintner
Partei = ÖVP
Gemeinderatanzahl = 21
Gemeinderat = 6 (SPÖ),
12 Team-Lintner (ÖVP),
3 IgLS (Grüne)
Wahljahr = 2004
image_photo =
image_caption = Schwaz seen from Frundsberg Castle

Schwaz is a city in Tyrol, Austria. It is the administrative center of the Schwaz district ("Bezirk"). Schwaz is located in the lower Inn valley, and has a population of about 13,000.

At its height during the Middle Ages, it was an important silver mining center, providing mineral wealth for both the Fugger banking family and, through them, for the Austrian emperors. During this period, its population of about 20,000 inhabitants made it the second largest city in the Austrian Empire, after Vienna.

Schwaz received its city rights in 1898 by Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria.

Schwaz is the birthplace of 16th century pulpit orator Georg Scherer and 20th century philosopher Hans Köchler.

Twin cities:

Schwaz is twinned with:

flagicon|France Bourg-de-Péage

flagicon|Germany Mindelheim

flagicon|Italy Tramin

flagicon|Italy Trento

flagicon|Italy Verbania

flagicon|Romania Satu Mare

flagicon|Spain Sant Feliu de Guíxols

flagicon|United Kingdom East Grinstead

External links

* [ Web site of the municipality of Schwaz] (German)
* [ Schwaz Silver Mine] (German)

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