

Suibne, a Gaelic male name from which the modern Sweeney is derived, might refer to:

* Suibne mac Colmáin Már (died "c".598), an Irish king
* Suibne Menn (died "c".628), an Irish king
* Suibne moccu Fir Thrí (died "c".657), abbot of Iona
* Suibne mac Cináeda (died 1034), a King of Galloway.
* Suibne Geilt, protagonist of the Irish language tale "Buile Shuibhne" (The Madness of Sweeney).

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  • Suibne — mac Colmáin [ suvʴnʴe mak kolmaːnʴ], auch Suibhne Geilt oder Suibhne Gelt („Suibne der Verrückte“), ist der Name eines mythischen Königs von Dál nAraide (in Ulster im NO von Irland). Er ist die Hauptperson der Erzählung Buile Suibne („Suibnes… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Suibne Menn — or Suibne mac Fiachnai (died 628) was an Irish king who is counted as a High King of Ireland.Suibne belonged to the junior branch of the Cenél nEógain kindred of the northern Uí Néill, the Cenél Feredaig, named for his grandfather Feredach, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Suibne Menn — mac Fiachnai Ard ri Érenn de 615 à 628 Suibne Menn dont le surnom signifie « Bégue » était le fils de Fiachna mac Feradach il était donc issu du Cenél Feradaig, un clan du Cenél nEógain Uí Neill du Nord. Nous n’avons aucune information… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Suibne mac Cináeda — (d.1034) (also known as Suibne son of Cinaeth in some works) was a king of the Norse Gaels (Gall Gáedil). His death is recorded by the Annals of Ulster : Suibne son of Cinaed, king of the Gallgaedil, died [The Annals of Ulster;… …   Wikipedia

  • Suibne mac Colmáin Már — (died 600) was a King of Uisnech in Mide of the Clann Cholmáin. He was the son of Colmán Már mac Diarmato (died 555/558), also king of Uisnech. [Byrne, Table 3; Charles Edwards, Appendix III; Mac Niocaill, pg.80] He ruled Uisnech from 587 600.… …   Wikipedia

  • Suibne moccu Fir Thrí — [Suibne moccu Urthrí, Suibhne I] , was the sixth abbot of Iona (652 657). His abbacy is obscure, and he appears not to have been from the same kindred, Cenél Conaill, as Columba and most other early Ionan abbots. His abbacy saw a continuation of… …   Wikipedia

  • Suibne mac Cináeda — Sven Kennethson Sven Kennethson, aussi dénommé, en gaélique, Suibne mac Cináeda (« Suibne fils de Cináed ») (mort en 1034) était un roi celto norrois (scandinave et gaël). Les Annales d Ulster et les Annales de Tigernach évoquent sa… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Buile Suibne — [ bulʴe huvʴnʴe] („Suibnes Wahnsinn“) ist der Name einer Erzählung aus dem Historischen Zyklus der Irischen Mythologie. Die Sage stammt vermutlich aus dem 12. Jahrhundert und ist in drei Manuskripten aus dem 17. und 18. Jahrhundert… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 7th century in Ireland — 600s= ;601 *Probable year in which Colmán mac Cobthaig, Uí Fiachrach becomes king of Connacht The Oxford Illustrated History of Ireland. Foster, RF. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 1989] .;602 or 604 * Death of Áed mac Diarmato or Áed Sláine… …   Wikipedia

  • Clan Sweeney — A plate from The Image of Irelande, by John Derrick, published in 1581. The chief sitting at his table, entertained by his bard and harper is thought to be a Mac Sweyne .[citation needed] Clan Sweeney …   Wikipedia

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