- Franciscus Toletus
Franciscus Toletus (Francisco de Toledo Herrara) (1532-1596) was a Spanish
Jesuit theologian, Biblical exegete and the first Jesuit Cardinal.He taught philosophy at the
University of Salamanca from 1555 to 1559. [ http://www.lcms.org/ca/www/cyclopedia/02/display.asp?t1=T&t2=o ] ; he became a a Jesuit in 1558. He was then a professor at theCollegio Romano from 1562 to 1569. In the 1570s he published a number of commentaries onAristotle ’s works. [Roger Ariew, René Descartes and the Jesuits p. 164, in Mordechai Feingold (editor), Jesuit Science and the Republic of Letters (2002)]He directed the work on the
Clementine Vulgate , the revision of theLatin Vulgate that was published in 1598; this built on the Sistine Vulgate (the 1590 text), approved byPope Sixtus V .Works
His works may be divided into three classes:
*(1) Philosophical: "Introductio in dialecticam Aristotelis" (Rome, 1561), thirteen editions, apparently the first work of a Jesuit to be printed in Mexico; "Commentaria una cum quæstionibus in universam Aristotelis logicam" (Rome, 1572), seventeen editions; "Commentaria de physica auscultatione" (Venice, 1573), fifteen editions; "De generatione et corruptione" (Venice, 1575), seven editions; "De anima" (Venice, 1574), twenty editions; "Opera omnia. Opera philosophica" (Lyons, 1586-92), only one volume issued.
*(2) Theological: "In Summam theologiæ S. Thomæ Aquinatis enarratio" (4 vols., Rome, 1869), published by Father José Paría, S.J.; "Summa casuum sive instructio sacerdotum" (Lyons, 1599), forty-six editions (Spanish tr., Juan de Salas; Italian, Andreo Verna; French, Goffar; summaries in Latin, Spanish, French, and Italian).
*(3) Exegetical: "In sacrosanctum Joannis Evangelium commentarium" (Rome, 1592), nine editions; "In prima XII capita Sacrosancti Jesu Christi D. N. Evangelium secundum Lucam" (Rome, 1600), printing supervised by Father Miguel Vázquez, S.J.; "In Epistolam B. Pauli Apostoli ad Romanos" (Rome, 1602), Chaldean tr., FatherLuis de Azevedo . Manuscripts: "Emmendationes in Sacra Biblia vulgata", corrected by direction of Clement VIII; "Regulæ hebraicæ pro lingua sancta intelligenda". Sermons: "Motivós y advertencias de casas dignas de refomación cerca del Breviario". [ http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14760a.htm]Notes
External links
* [http://www.fiu.edu/~mirandas/bios1593.htm#Toledo Biography]
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