Joseph Wang

Joseph Wang

orphan=June 2008
do-attempt=June 2008
likeresume=June 2008
notability=June 2008

Joseph Wang, PhD, is an expert in nanomaterial-based biosensors. In 2008 Wang has built the fastest nanomotors to date. [ [ Scientists Soup Up Micro Speed Racer ] ]


Joseph Wang is a Professor of Nanogineering at University of California San Diego (UCSD). He also serves as the Chief Editor of [ Electroanalysis (Wiley-VCH)] . Dr. Wang has been the recipient of 2 American Chemical Society National Awards (for Analytical Instrumentation (1999) and Electrochemistry (2006)) and was ranked the [ ‘Most Cited Researcher in Engineering’] during 1997- 2007, and at the 2th place in the ISI’s list of ‘Most Cited Researchers in Chemistry’ for the same period. He also won the Heyrovsky Medal (from the Czech Republic) and 3 Honorary Professor degress (from Spain, Argentina and Slovenia). He obtained his higher education at the Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa), being awarded his D. Sc. in 1978. He held a Regents Professor and a Manasse Chair at NMSU between 2001 and 2004, and between 2004 and 2008 he served as the Director of the Center for Bioelectronics and Biosensors and a Professor of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry at Arizona State University (ASU).

Wang's research interests include the development of nanomaterials-based sensors, nanomotors and nanoactuators, electrochemical biosensors, bioelectronics, microfluidic (“Lab-on-Chip”) devices, and remote sensors for environmental and security monitoring. His contributions in these directions have been of major importance in the growing popularity of electrochemical sensors and techniques. Dr. Wang has authored over 750 research papers, 10 books, 12 patents, and 35 chapters. His books include "STRIPPING ANALYSIS," Electrochemistry of Nucleic Acids and Proteins”, "ELECTROANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES IN CLINICAL CHEMISTRY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE," "BIOSENSORS AND CHEMICAL SENSORS”, “BIOSENSORS FOR MONITORING OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTANTS” and [ “ANALYTICAL ELECTROCHEMISTRY (1st, 2nd and 3rd Eds)] Over 25 Ph.D. candidates and 60 post-doctoral fellows have been trained with Prof. Wang.

Recently Wang led a team that successfully merged efforts in the fields of biosensors, electronics and nanotechnology to fashion nanocrystals that can act as tags for DNA biosensors by electronically recognizing subtle mutations in the DNA. This creates enormous potential for applications, such as the diagnosis and treatment of genetic diseases. Recent activity by Wang's team has led to the [ world's fastest fuel-driven synthetic nanomotors] based on nanotubes incorporated within platinum/gold bisegment nanowires.

"Electrochemical Glucose Biosensors", published in Chemical Reviews is being featured on the ACS Publications website as a [ Most-Accessed Article] for the first-quarter of 2008.


* B.Sc., Chemistry, Technion, I.I.T., Israel, 1972
* M.Sc., Chemistry, Technion, I.I.T., Israel, 1974
* D.Sc., Chemistry, Technion, I.I.T., Israel, 1978
* Honorary Doctorate causa, Complutense University (Spain), 2007
* PhD (Hon.), National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2007

Research Facilities

* 1988 - 2004 New Mexico State University

* 2004 - 2008 [ The Biodesign Institute] at Arizona State University

* 2008 - present Departments of Nanoengineering, University of California, San Diego


Founding Editor and Chief-Editor - Electroanalysis (international journal; Wilely-VCH); 1988-present

Wang is currently serving as the Chief-Editor of the international journal [ Electroanalysis] .


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