GURPS 4e Basic Set

GURPS 4e Basic Set

Infobox RPG
title=GURPS 4e Basic Set

caption="GURPS Characters" cover
designer=Steve Jackson, Sean M. Punch, and David L. Pulver
publisher=Steve Jackson Games
system="GURPS 4th Edition"

"GURPS 4e Basic Set" is a hard-bound two volume set written by Steve Jackson, Sean M. Punch, and David L. Pulver. It was published in 2004 by Steve Jackson Games and contains the core rules for the fourth edition of "GURPS". The first volume, "Characters" (ISBN 1-55634-729-4), addresses what players need to know to create a "GURPS" character and play the game. Eight sample characters are included. The second volume is titled "Campaigns" (ISBN 978-1-55634-730-6) and addresses the information a GM needs to build a world. All the basic information needed to run a "GURPS" campaign is here with genre or world-specific information in other books.

The previous edition of the "GURPS" rules consisted of a Basic Set as the core rule book, with "GURPS Compendium 1" and "GURPS Compendium 2" released later to collate alternative and advanced rules in a logical place. Many source books published after the release of the compendiums required them for play. The fourth edition basic set shifts the majority of that material into the core rule books.

In a move from previous editions, the books are hardbound and in color, a trend which has been followed in successive GURPS 4e books, with mixed reactions from players.

To facilitate the transition from third edition to fourth, a free PDF update was released. It includes a quick but comprehensive guide to change characters or source book information to the new rules.

Awards and nominations

*In 2004 "GURPS 4e Basic set" won the "Pen & Paper Fan Award" as Best RPG [cite web|url=|title=Pen & Paper Fan Awards - 2004 Winners] and was an inductee in its RPG Hall of Fame [cite web|url=|title=Pen & Paper Fan Awards - 2004 Winners (page 3)] .
*It was a nominee at the 2005 Origins Award for Best Role-playing Game. [cite web| url=|title=Origins Awards 2005 Announcement|accessdate=2007-08-24]


ee also

*List of "GURPS" books
*"GURPS Infinite Worlds" – a 36 page introduction to this setting is provided in "Campaigns".

External links

*cite web | url= | title=GURPS Basic Set "GURPS Basic Set" at Steve Jackson Games
*cite web | url= | title=RPGnet : Review of GURPS 4th Edition, Characters & Campaigns

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