The System of Dante's Hell
- The System of Dante's Hell
"The System of Dante's Hell" is a novel written by American poet Amiri Baraka and was published in 1965. The novel follows the life of a young black man who lives a nomadic life in the big city and in small towns in the southern states and his life struggle of living in segregated America.
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The Marriage of Heaven and Hell — The title page of the book, copy D. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell is a book by the English poet and printmaker William Blake. It is a series of texts written in imitation of biblical books of prophecy but expressing Blake s own intensely… … Wikipedia
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell — Titelseite The Marriage of Heaven and Hell ist eine Ideenschrift des englischen Poeten und Grafikers William Blake. Sie ist Teil einer Serie von Texten, die biblische Offenbarungs Bücher imitieren, dabei aber Blakes eigene romantische und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dante and his Divine Comedy in popular culture — Dante Alighieri and his masterpiece, Divine Comedy , have been a source of inspiration for countless artists for almost seven centuries. Some examples are listed below:Literature*The title of Honoré de Balzac s collective work La Comédie humaine… … Wikipedia
Dante Alighieri and the Divine Comedy in popular culture — The life and works of Dante Alighieri, especially his masterpiece, the Divine Comedy, have been a source of inspiration for many artists for seven centuries. Some notable examples are listed below. Dante of Erminio Blotta, at Bd. Oroño, Rosario… … Wikipedia
Dante's Inferno (video game) — Dante s Inferno Developer(s) Visceral Games Artificial Mind and Movement (PSP)[1] Publisher(s) … Wikipedia
The Cantos — by Ezra Pound is a long, incomplete poem in 120 sections, each of which is a canto . Most of it was written between 1915 and 1962, although much of the early work was abandoned and the early cantos, as finally published, date from 1922 onwards.… … Wikipedia
hell — like, adj. /hel/, n. 1. the place or state of punishment of the wicked after death; the abode of evil and condemned spirits; Gehenna or Tartarus. 2. any place or state of torment or misery: They made their father s life a hell on earth. 3.… … Universalium
The Descent (novel) — The Descent is a novel by author Jeff Long.Plot introductionA sci fi/horror book that reimagines Jules Verne s Journey to the Centre of the Earth and Dante Alighieri s Inferno by imagining the exploration of a sub surface world filled with… … Wikipedia
Autobiography of LeRoi Jones, The — by Amiri Baraka (1984) With rarely other than liveliest eloquence, The Autobiography of LeRoi Jones offers a full, busy, life and times of leroi jones/amiri baraka, one of Afro America’s literary and cultural lead players. It has come to rank… … Encyclopedia of Beat Literature
Dante — /dan tee, dahn tay/; It. /dahn te/, n. (Dante Alighieri), 1265 1321, Italian poet: author of the Divine Comedy. * * * (as used in expressions) Busoni Ferruccio Dante Michelangiolo Benvenuto Dante Alighieri Rossetti Dante Gabriel Gabriel Charles… … Universalium