Svetlana Lassatkova

Svetlana Lassatkova

Svetlana Lassatkova (1975-2008) was an internationally-renowned installation and performance artist.

Born in Peć, Kosovo and resident for the last ten years of her life in the UK, her evocative work encompassed a range of media including slide projections, drawing, photography, video and sound using a wide range of materials from fire and pyrotechnics to weather balloons and wind to steam and honey.

Since 1994, Svetlana presented solo and collaborative projects incorporating static and time-based visual art, sound and performance extensively at art venues, festivals and unique sites throughout Europe, USA, Africa, Mexico and Japan.

Her recent work drew on developments in high energy physics, and had moved into the realm of durational performance.

List of Significant Works

* 'Strange Bodies' (Mixed Media Installation). CHL Festival, Hokkaido, Japan. 2001
* 'Don't Switch It On!' (Performance). Jumpcut, Barcelona. 2003
* 'Gates Close at Dusk' (Exhibition of Photographs and Mixed Media Work). Matt's Gallery, London, UK. 2005
* 'I'm a Little Tea-Pot' (Performance/Installation). Venice Biennale 2006
* 'Lines of Flux' (Durational Performance). PuSh Festival, Vancouver, Canada. 2007
* 'Lines of Flux' (Durational Performance). Fluxfest, Birmingham, UK. 2008


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