Works of Wulfstan of York

Works of Wulfstan of York

Wulfstan II, Archbishop of York wrote some works in Latin, and numerous works in Old English, then the vernacular. [An up-to-date list is provided by Sara M. Pons-Sanz "A Reconsideration of Wulfstan's use of Norse-Derived Terms: The Case of "Þræl" pp. 6-7.] He has also been credited with a few short poems. His works can generally be divided into homiletic, legal, and philosophical (or socio-political) categories.


'Block' 1 ("Eschatological Homilies")
* "De Anticristo" [] (Latin, Bethurum Ia) [Dorothy Bethrum, "The Homilies of Wulfstan"; all homilies, unless otherwise noted, are found in Bethrum.]
* "De Anticristo" [] (Old English, Bethrum Ib)
* "Lectio Sancti Evangelii Secundum Matheum" [] (Old English, Bethurum II)
* "Secundum Lucam" [] (Old English, Bethurum III)
* "De Temporibus Anticristi" [] (Old English, Bethurum IV)
* "Secundum Marcum" [] (Old English, Bethurum V)'Block' 2 ("The Christian Faith")
* "Incipiunt Sermones Lupi Episcopi" (Old English, Bethurum VI)
* "De Fide Catholica" (Old English, Bethurum VII)
* "To Eallum Folke" (Old English, Bethurum VIIa)
* "Incipit de Baptisma" (Latin, Bethurum VIIIa)
* "Dominica Quaterna vel Quando Volueris" (Old English, Bethurum VIIIb)
* "Sermo de Baptismate" (Old English, Bethurum VIIIc)
* "De Septiformi Spiritu" (Old English, Bethurum IX; a reworking of a homily by Ælfric)
* "De Regula Canonicorum" (Old English, Bethurum Xa; a translation of chapter 145 of the 816 Council of Aachen)
* "De Cristianitate" (Latin, Bethurum Xb)
* "Her Ongynð Be Cristendome" (Old English, Bethurum XC; a reworking of Xa and Xb)
* "Incipit de Visione Isaie Prophete Quam Vidit Super Idam et Hierusalem" (Latin & Old English, Bethurum XI)
* "De Falsis Dies" (Old English, Bethurum XII; a reworking of a homily by Ælfric)'Block' 3 ("Archiepicopal Functions")
* "Sermo ad Populum" (Old English, Bethurum XIII)
* "Sermo in Quadragesima" (Old English, Bethurum XIV)
* "Sermo de Cena Domini" (Old English, Bethurum XV)
* "Verba Ezechielis Prophete de Pastoribus non recte Agentibus" (Latin, Bethurum XVIa)
* "Verba Ezechiel Prophete de Pigris aut Timidis vel Neglegentibus Pastoribus" (Old English, Bethurum XVIb; a translation of XVIa)
* "Lectio Secundum Lucam" (Old English, Bethurum XVII)
* "De Dedicatione Ecclesiae" (Old English, Bethurum XVIII)'Block' 4 ("Evil Days")
* "Be Godcundre Warnunge" (Old English, Bethurum XIX)
* "Sermo Lupi ad Anglos" [] (Old English, Bethurum XX; in multiple versions written at different times)
* "Her is gyt Rihtlic Warnung Ond Soðlic Myngung Ðeode to Ðearfe" (Old English, Bethurum XXI)Miscellaneous
* "Untitled" (Napier I) [Arthur Napier, "Wulfstan: Sammlung der ihm zugeschriebenen Homilien"]
* "Untitled" (Napier XXIII)
* "Untitled" (Napier XXIV)
* "To Folce" (Napier XXV)
* "To Eallum Folce" (Napier XXVII)
* "Be Mistlican Gelimpan" (Napier XXXV)
* "To Eallum Folce" (Napier XXXVI)
* "Her Is Gyt Oþer Wel God Eaca" (Napier XXXVIII)
* ?"Ðis Man Gerædde, đa se Micela Here Com to Lande" (Napier XXXIX)
* "Larspel and Scriftboc" (Napier XLVII; first part only)
* ?"Larspel" (Napier L)
* "To Eallan Folke" (Napier LI)
* "To Mæsseprostum" (Napier LII)
* "To Mæssepreostum" (Napier LIII)
* "Sermo Lupi" (Napier LIX)
* "Be Hæðendome" (Napier LX)
* "Be Cristendome" (Napier LXI)


* "Episcopus" (Old English) [Felix Liebermann, ed., "Die Gesetze Der Angelsachsen" vol 1; all Wulfstan's legal works, unless otherwise noted, are found in Liebermann's edition.]
* "The Laws of Edward and Guthrum" (Old English)
* ?"The Northumbrian Priest's Law" (Old English)
* "The Canons of Edgar" (Old English) [Roger Fowler, ed., "The Canons of Edgar"]
* ?"Excerptiones pseudo-Ecgberti" (Latin) [James E. Cross & Andrew Hamer, eds., "Wulfstan's Canon Law Collection"]
* "Athelred's legislation, 1008, King's Enham" (Latin & Old English; survives as VAtr, VIAtr, VIAtrLat, XAtr)
* "Að" (Old English)
* "Mircna la"ga (Old English)
* "Norðleoda laga" (Old English)
* "Aethelred's legislation, ca. 1009, Bath" (Latin, VIIaAtr)
* "Hadbot" (Old English)
* "Geþyncðo" (Old English)
* "Grið" (Old English)
* "Aethelred's legislation, 1014" (Old English, VIIIAtr, ?IXAtr)
* "Cnut's legislation, 1018" (Old English, LawCn 1018)
* "Cnut's legislation, 1020" (Old English, LawCn 1020)
* "Cnut's legislation (secular), ca. 1021" (Old English, ICn)
* "Cnut's legislation (ecclesiastical), ca. 1021" (Old English, IICn)

He also made revisions to

* "King Athelstan's first code" (IAs)
* "Edmund's first code" (IEm)
* "Edgar's second and third codes" (II-IIIEg)


* "The Institutes of Polity I" (Old English; original version) [Karl Jost, ed., Die ‘Institutes of Polity, Civil and Ecclesiastical’]
* "The Institutes of Polity II" (Old English; revision)


* "Qui legis hunc titulum" (Latin; verses praising Wulfstan) [Bethurum, "The Homilies of Wulfstan", pp. 377-78]
* "Poem on King Edgar's Succession" (Old English; Anglo-Saxon Chronicle E, s.a. 959) [Michael Swanton, ed., "The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle", p. 114]
* "Poem on King Edward's Succession" (Old English; Anglo-Saxon Chronicle D, s.a. 975) [Michael Swanton, ed., "The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle", p. 121]




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