Beyond Eagle and Swastika

Beyond Eagle and Swastika

"Beyond Eagle and Swastika: German Nationalism Since 1945" is a book by Kurt P. Tauber. It is a history and analysis of (and a reference work on) anti-democratic nationalism in postwar Germany.

It was completed in 1963 after ten years of research. Wesleyan University Press, of Middletown, Connecticut, published it in two volumes (spanning 1,598 pages) in 1967.


*Part One: The Background:I "The Antiliberal Tradition"::A. The Nineteenth Century::B. The Wilhelmian Legacy::C. The First World War::D. The Weimar Republic::E. The Third Reich:II "The Twilight of the Gods: The Second World War and the Occupation"::A. The Second World War::B. The Occupation::C. Denazification::D. The Nuremberg Trials::E. Re-education and Collective Guilt
*Part Two: Under Allied Occupation:III "The First Stirrings: 1945-1948"::A. The British Zone of Occupation::B. The American Zone of Occupation::C. Summary:IV "The Rising Tide: 1949"::A. Introduction::B. The British Zone::C. The American Zone::D. The French Zone
*Part Three: Extraparliamentary Politics:V "New Patterns of Leadership: Cadre Formations 1949-1953"::A. Introduction::B. The Bruderschaft::C. The Naumann Circle:VI "Nationalist Neutralism and Soviet Policy"::A. Introduction::B. Germany's Face Toward the East::C. Ideologues, Attentists, and Adventurers: The Bruderschaft::D. The Nationalist-Neutralist Front::E. The Politics of Interzonal Commerce::F. The Return to Tauroggen::G. A Word of Caution:VII "In Search of Unity: The International of Nationalism"::A. Introduction::B. Nation Europa::C. Eurafrica::D. The Nationalist Underground::E. International Intelligence and Propaganda: Natinform:VIII "Organized War Veterans and Rearmament"::A. Introduction::B. The Nationalist Reaction::C. Organized Veterans and the Politics of Rearmament::D. Remilitarization and the Rearmament Climate:IX "Organized War Veterans and the Resurgence of Nationalism"::A. The Stahlhelm::B. The Waffen-SS
*Part Four: Groundwork for the Future:X "Postwar Youth at the Crossroads"::A. Introduction::B. The Numbers Game::C. The Political Orientation of Postwar Youth::D. From Wandervogel to Hitler Youth::E. Order out of Chaos::F. Whither German Youth?::G. Conservative Nationalism in the Universities: The Corporations::H. Radical Nationalism in the Universities: The League of National Students (BNS):XI "The Ideas and Literature of Nationalism (I)"::A. Introduction::B. The Literature of the National Opposition:XII "The Ideas and Literature of Nationalism (II): Dissemination"::A. The Circulation of Literature::B. Ideological Training by Word of Mouth
*Part Five: "Parliamentary" Politics:XIII "Party Politics (I): The Socialist Reich Party (SRP)"::A. Introduction::B. Neo- or Paleo-Nazism? Radical Nationalism at High Tide::C. To the Catacombs!:XIV "Party Politics on the Extreme Right (II)"::A. Introduction::B. Radicalism and the Failure of Leadership::C. The Parliamentary Dilemma::D. The Destruction of the DRP:XV "The Quest for a United Nationalist Opposition"::A. Introduction::B. The National Opposition and the Bourgeois Parties::C. The "United National Opposition"::D. The National Opposition in Splinters::E. The Hostile Brothers of the United Right (VR)::F. The Election of 1953::G. Conclusion:XVI "The Nationalist Opposition Between the Front Lines"::A. New Directions::B. Between the Front Lines::C. Between Conservatism and Radicalism::D. "The Socialist Are Leaving the DRP!"
*Part Six: Restoration:XVII "Renazification or Restoration?"::A. Introduction::B. Political Parties and the Restoration: The German Party (DP)::C. The Free Democratic Party (FDP)::D. The All-German Bloc/Union of Expellees and Victims of Injustice:XVIII "State and Society in a Period of Restoration"::A. The Civil Service::B. A Matter of Style::C. The Foreign Office and Foreign Service Personnel::D. The Judiciary::E. The Law-Enforcement Apparatus::F. The Universities::G. The Provincial Press
*Conclusion:XIX "Conclusion":::::VOLUME II
*Notes and References
*Appendixes::A. "Nationalist Parties and Organizations"::B. "Nationalist Youth Groups"::C. "Nationalist Newspapers, Periodicals, Youth Publications, and Information Services"
*Bibliography::A. "Primary Sources"::B. "Secondary Sources"
*Indexes::A. "Index of Persons"::B. "Index of Subjects"::C. "Index of Places"

Photos and illustrations

*A. Leaders of the Earliest Nationalist PartiesHermann Klingspor; Herwart Miessner; Franz Leonhard Schlüter; Karl Schäfer, Fritz Rössler, Heinrich Leuchtgens
*B. Leaders of the Earliest Nationalist PartiesKarl-Heinz Priester; August Haussleiter; Karl Meissner; Otto Strasser
*C. Leaders of the Socialist Reich PartyFritz Dorls; Otto-Ernst Remer; Count Wolf von Westarp; Gerhard Krüger
*D. Leaders of the German Reich PartyHans-Heinrich Scheffer; Heinrich K. Kunstmann; Herbert Freiberger
*E. Leaders of the German Reich PartyWerner Naumann; Wilhelm Meinberg; Hans-Ulrich Rudel
*F. From DRP to National Democratic Party (NDP): Breakthrough to RespectabilityAdolf von Thadden; Otto Hess; DRP National Party Congress, 1956
*G. Nationalist AuthorsTheodor Soucek; Friedrich Lenz; Kurt Ziesel; Emmanuel J. Reichenberger
*H. Nationalist AuthorsHeinz Brunner; Hans Venatier; Herbert Böhme; Erich K. Kernmayr; Hans Grimm
*I. Nationalist AuthorsHans Grimm; Lippoldsberg Poets' Meeting, 1955; Will Vesper, Hans Grimm
*J. Nationalist PiblishersHelmut L. Sündermann; Arthur Ehrhardt; K. Waldemar Schutz; Kurt Vowinckel
*K. Nationalist-NeutralistsGottfried Griesmayr, Wolf Schenke; Fritz Brehm; Georg Ebrecht
*L. Nationalists in the Bourgeois PartiesRudolf Jungnickel; Ernst Achenbach; Horst Huisgen
*M. Nationalists in the Bourgeois PartiesWalter Brand; Theodor Oberländer; Albert Smagon
*N, O. "'Chart of Nationalist Youth Organizations
*P. Nationalist Youth Leaders and StahlhelmRaoul Nahrath; Hans-Ulf Siebrands, Rudolf Kemmerich, and others; Alfred Zitzmann; a "Stahlhelm" standard-bearer

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