Bensen B-7

Bensen B-7

__NOTOC__ Infobox Aircraft

type=Recreational rotor kite(Gyroglider)/autogyro
national origin=USA
manufacturer=Bensen Aircraft for homebuilding
designer=Igor Bensen
first flight=17 June avyear|1955
primary user=
more users=
number built=
variants with their own articles=
The Bensen B-7 was a small rotor kite developed by Igor Bensen in the United States in the 1950s and marketed for home building. It was a refined to be a slightly larger version of the B-6, replacing the skids with a tricycle undercarriage, and adding a single large fin to the rear of the aircraft.

The B-7 was first towed aloft on 17 June 1955, and on 6 December that year, Bensen flew a motorized version designated the B-7M, a fully autonomous autogyro. The prototype B-7M crashed three days later with Bensen at the controls. Although the machine was soon repaired and in the air again, the incident set Bensen to work on further refinements to the design that would eventually lead to the B-8.

pecifications B-7M

met or eng?= eng

crew=One pilot
length m=2.44
length ft=8
length in=0
span m=
span ft=
span in=
swept m=
swept ft=
swept in=
rot number= 1
rot dia m= 6.25
rot dia ft= 20
rot dia in= 6
dia m=
dia ft=
dia in=
width m=
width ft=
width in=
height m=1.63
height ft=5
height in=4
wing area sqm=
wing area sqft=
swept area sqm=
swept area sqft=
rot area sqm= 30.1
rot area sqft= 330
volume m3=
volume ft3=
aspect ratio=
empty weight kg=84
empty weight lb=185
gross weight kg=205
gross weight lb=450
lift kg=
lift lb=

eng1 number=1
eng1 type=Nelson H-59
eng1 kw= 31
eng1 hp= 42
eng1 kn=
eng1 lbf=
eng1 kn-ab=
eng1 lbf-ab=
eng2 number=
eng2 type=
eng2 kw=
eng2 hp=
eng2 kn=
eng2 lbf=
eng2 kn-ab=
eng2 lbf-ab=

max speed kmh=85
max speed mph=136
max speed mach=
cruise speed kmh=
cruise speed mph=
range km=
range miles=
endurance h=
endurance min=
ceiling m=3,800
ceiling ft=12,500
glide ratio=
climb rate ms=5.1
climb rate ftmin=1,000
sink rate ms=
sink rate ftmin=

see also=
similar aircraft=


* [ Bensen Aircraft at]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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