- Wai Chee Dimock
Wai Chee Dimock is William Lampson Professor of English and American Studies at Yale University. She is active in the movement to rethink the literary curriculum, using the "planet" as an analytic horizon to broaden the contours of American literature. Recent publications include THROUGH OTHER CONTINENTS: AMERICAN LITERATURE ACROSS DEEP TIME (Princeton UP, 2006); SHADES OF THE PLANET: AMERICAN LITERATURE AS WORLD LITERATURE (Princeton UP, 2007), coedited with Lawrence Buell; and a special issue of PMLA, "Remapping Genre" (Oct 2007), coedited with Bruce Robbins. She is now at work on a textbook, AMERICAN LITERATURE AND THE WORLD. For an interesting exchange between Dimock ("Genre as World System") and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak ("World Systems & the Creole"), see Narrative 14 (January 2006), both available from Amazon.
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