- Wartburg festival
The first Wartburg festival ( _de. Wartburgfest) on
18 October 1817 was an important event inGerman history that took place at theWartburg Castle nearEisenach .After the war of liberation against
France and Napoleon, many people were bitter about dreams of German unity shattered after theCongress of Vienna . Democratic reforms were stalled, and governments had cracked down on press freedom and rights of association.In
1815 the students ofJena founded the youth organizationTeutonia in order to demonstrate about Germany unity at the university. Many of them had also taken part as voluntary soldiers on the fields against Napoleon, e.g. in theLützow Free Corps with its black-red-gold colour scheme that was adopted as theFlag of Germany . The German students demonstrated for a national state and a liberal Constitution and condemned reactionary forces in the newly recreated German states.On the occasion of the three-hundredth anniversary of
Martin Luther 's nailing of his theses and the fourth anniversary of the bloodyBattle of Nations atLeipzig , the student groups organized a festival at the Wartburg. This castle had been a refuge for Martin Luther. As he translated the bible there and thus set a standard for theGerman language , it became a symbol ofGerman nationalism .A key event was a book-burning of reactionary literary works, and symbols of Napoleon like a corporal's cane. This act was used in 1933 as a justification for the Nazi
book burning s.The event itself was also used as a justification for further suppression of liberal forces, like the
Carlsbad Decrees of 1819.In 1832, the
Hambacher Fest was held in similar manner. A second festival at the Wartburg was held during theRevolutions of 1848 in the German states .Some works burned during the book burning
Jean Pierre Frédéric Ancillon : "Ueber Souverainitaet etc."
* F. v. Cölln: "Vertraute Briefe. Freymüthige Blätter"
*August Friedrich Wilhelm Crome : "Deutschlands Crisis und Rettung im April und May 1813."
* Dabelow: "Der 13e Artikel der deutschen Bundesacte"
*Karl Ludwig von Haller : "Restauration der Staatswissenschaft"
*August von Kotzebue : "Geschichte des deutschen Reichs"
* Ludwig Theobul Kosegarten: "Rede gesprochen am Napoleonstage 1800", "Geschichte meines fünfzigsten Lebensjahres", and "Vaterländische Lieder"
*Carl Albert Christoph Heinrich von Kamptz : "Codex der Gensd'armerie"
* W. Reinhard: "Die Bundesacte über Ob, Wann und Wie? deutscher Landstände"
* Schmalz: "Berichtigung einer Stelle in der Bredow-Venturinischen Chronik; und die beyden darauf"
*Saul Ascher : "Germanomanie"
*Zacharias Werner : "Martin Luther oder die Weihe der Kraft", "Die Söhne des Thals"
* K. v. Wangenheim: "Die Idee der Staatsverfassung"
* TheNapoleonic Code
*Justus Friedrich Wilhelm Zachariae : "Über den Code Napoleon"
*Carl Leberecht Immermann : "Ein Wort zur Beherzigung", 1814, (gegen die Burschenschaft zu Halle)
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