Iosefin Synagogue

Iosefin Synagogue

The Iosefin Synagogue is a synagogue located in Iosefin, a neighbourhoood of Timişoara, Romania. Built in 1910, it is the newest of the city's three synagogues, and the last still functioning. [ro icon [ "Credincioşii evrei sărbătoresc Anul Nou Evreiesc" ("Jewish Believers Celebrate the Jewish New Year")] ,, October 2005, accessed June 20, 2008]

The synagogue was originally used for Orthodox Jewish believers. A Jewish primary school and kindergarten operated in the yard. [Smaranda Vultur, "Memoria salvată: Evreii din Banat, ieri şi azi", Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2002]


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