Gerrit Schulte

Gerrit Schulte

Infobox Cyclist
ridername = Gerrit Schulte

fullname = Gerrit Schulte
nickname = De Bossche Reus
dateofbirth = birth date|1916|01|07|df=yes
dateofdeath = death date and age|df=yes|1992|2|26|1916|1|7
country = NED
height =
weight =
currentteam =
discipline = Road
role = Rider
ridertype =
amateurteams =
amateuryears =
proyears =
proteams =
majorwins =
updated = 20 June 2008
medaltemplates =

Gerrit Schulte (Amsterdam, 7 January 1916 — Den Bosch, 26 February 1992) was a Dutch professional road bicycle racer. Schulte was successful in track pursuit, becoming national champion ten times, European champion twice and World champion once (in 1948). He was also successful as a road race cyclists, becoming national champion three times and winning a stage in the 1938 Tour de France. In the end of his career, Schulte won many six-day racing events. Every year, the Gerrit Schulte Trophy is awarded by the national federation to the best professional rider in the Netherlands. [ [ KNWU: Nominations for the election of the rider of the year] (in Dutch)]


;1937:Dussen:Ronde van Gouda, Amateurs:Hoogerheide;1938:Antwerpen:Purmerend:Oss:Vinkeveen:Eindhoven:Tour de France:::Winner stage 3;1939:Acht van Chaam:Antwerpen:Zaandam:Baarle-Hertog:Namur;1940:NED national track pursuit championship:Six days of Antwerp (with Gerrit Boeyen):Gent;1941:NED national track pursuit championship;1942:NED national track pursuit championship:Roermond:Hilversum;1943:NED national track pursuit championship:Roermond;1944:NED national track pursuit championship:Ronde van Gouda:flagicon|NED Dutch National Road Race Championship;1945:NED national track pursuit championship:Beverwijk;1946:Six days of Paris (with Gerrit Boeyen):Tongeren:Hoensbroek;1947:Six days of Ghent (with Gerrit Boeyen):GP Stad Sint-Niklaas:NED national track pursuit championship:Six days of Brussels (with Gerrit Boeyen);1948:Brasschaat:Den Bosch:NED national track pursuit championship:Oss:flagiconUCI World Champion Track Pursuit:flagicon|NED Dutch National Road Race Championship;1949:European Championship Track Madison (with Gerrit Boeyen):Ronde van Nederland:Roosendaal:Temse:Six days of Ghent (with Gerrit Boeyen):Six days of Antwerp (with Gerrit Boeyen):Zwijndrecht:Willebroek:Den Bosch;1950:Antwerpen:Boucles de la Gartempe:European Championship Track Madison (with Gerard Peters):Six days of Ghent (with Gerard Peters):NED national track pursuit championship:flagicon|NED Dutch National Road Race Championship:Six days of Paris (with Gerard Peters):Etten-Leur;1951:NED national track pursuit championship:Westerlo;1952:Sas van Gent, Sas van Gent;1953:Six days of Paris (with Gerard Peters):flagicon|NED Dutch National Road Race Championship:Den Bosch;1954:Six days of Berlin (with Gerard Peters, Emile Carrara and Dominique Forlini):Six days of Antwerp (with Gerard Peters):Goes, Goes;1955:Six days of Münster (with Gerard Peters):Den Bosch:Helmond;1956:Den Bosch:Dussum:Helmond:Six days of Zürich (with Kay Werner Nielsen):Leuven:Six days of Copenhagen (with Lucien Gillen);1957:Six days of Zürich (with Armin von Büren);1958:Six days of Berlin (with Klaus Bugdahl):Den Bosch:Wevelgem:Hanret;1959:Six days of Antwerpen (with Klaus Bugdahl and Peter Post):Six days of Brussel (with Peter Post);1960:Six days of Antwerpen (with Jan Plantaz and Peter Post)


External links

* [ Official Tour de France results for Gerrit Schulte]

NAME=Schulte, Gerrit
SHORT DESCRIPTION=Road bicycle racer
DATE OF BIRTH=1916-01-07
DATE OF DEATH=1992-02-26

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