Carl Garré

Carl Garré

Carl Garré, (1857-1928) [ [,+Carl Definition: Garre, Carl from Online Medical Dictionary ] at] was a Swiss surgeon. He proved that Staphylococcus aureus causes carbuncles and boils by experimenting on himself [cite book |last= de Kruif |first= Paul |title= The Microbe Hunters |publisher= Pocket Books |location= New York |year= 1959 |month= August |chapter= Koch - The Death Fighter
quote= Another pupil of Koch was the now forgotten hero, Dr. Garré of Basel, who gravely rubbed whole test tubes full of another kind of microbe - which Pasteur had alleged was the cause of boils - into his own arm. Garré came down horribly with an enormous carbuncle and twenty boils - the tremendous dose of microbes he shot into himself might easily have finished him - but he dismissed his danger as merely "unpleasant" and shouted triumphantly: "I know that this microbe, this staphylococcus, is the true cause of boils and carbuncles!"
pages = pg 132

] and had two conditions named after himself, Garrés disease [ [ Garres disease - definition from ] at] [cite book | last = Sebastian | first = Anton | authorlink = Anton Sebastian | title = A Dictionary of the History of Medicine | publisher = Parthenon | location = Carnforth | year = 1999 | isbn = 1850700214 | pages = pg 335 | url = ] (sclerosing osteitis) and Garrés osteomyelitis [ [ Definition: Garre's osteomyelitis from Online Medical Dictionary ] at] [cite journal |last= Ferreira |first= B. A. |authorlink= B. A. Ferreira |coauthors= A. L. B. Barbosa |year= 1992 |journal=International Endodontic Journal |volume= 25 |issue= 3 |pages= 165–168 |title=Garré's osteomylitis: a case report |accessdate=2008-06-19 |doi=10.1111/j.1365-2591.1992.tb00780.x |url= ] (chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis). He was a student of Robert Koch and Theodor Kocher. [ [ EUROPEAN Thyroidology - Theodor Kocher] ]


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