

Pompeius (fem. Pompeia), known in English as Pompey, is the nomen of the gens Pompeia, an important family during the late republic period of ancient Rome from the Italian region of Picenum, which lies between the Apennines and the Adriatic. The name may refer to any person bearing it, with a list of the most famous below:
*Women of the Pompeius gens, can be seen in Pompeia
*Lucius Pompeius, a military tribune in 171 BC, in the army of Publius Licinius Crassus (consul 171 BC), who was in the war against King Perseus of Macedon
*Quintus Pompeius, various politicians of this name who lived during the Roman Republic and Roman Empire
*Aulus Pompeius, two politicians of this name who lived during the Roman Republic
*Sextus Pompeius, relatives of Pompey the Great
*Pompeius Strabo, father of Pompey the Great
*Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (Pompey the Great), the famous Roman general and politician
*Gnaeus Pompeius, the eldest son of Pompey the Great
*Sextus Pompeius, the youngest son of Pompey the Great
*Quintus Pompeius Macer, praetor that lived in Emperor Tiberius’ reign
*Pompeius Urbicus, knight that lived in Emperor Claudius’ reign
*Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, first husband of Roman princess Claudia Antonia and a son-in-law of Emperor Claudius
*Gaius Pompeius Longinus Gallus, among the consuls of 49
*Pompeius Aelianus, former quaestor that live in Emperor Nero’s reign
*Pompeius, certain guard colonel that lived in Emperor Nero’s reign
*Pompeius Paulinus, Roman Governor of Lower Germany in the 1st century
*Marcus Pompeius Silvanus, former Roman Governor of Africa in the 1st century
*Quintus Pompeius Falco, politician that lived in the 2nd century

Other Terms for Pompeius or Pompey

*"Pompeius (butterfly)" is a genus of butterflies in the grass skipper family
*The nickname of the city of Portsmouth in Hampshire, England and the nickname of its principal football club, Portsmouth F.C.
*The name of a town in France, Pompey, Meurthe-et-Moselle
*Quintus Valerius Pompey - Fictional Character
*Gnaeus Pompey Magnus (character of Rome) - Fictional Character

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