International Task Force on Preventive Diplomacy

International Task Force on Preventive Diplomacy

The EastWest Institute established the multiyear International Task Force on Preventive Diplomacy as the flagship of its Conflict Prevention Program in May 2007. The Task Force has one core purpose: it will investigate and promote concrete ways of strengthening practical mechanisms to build domestic and international political will to shorten the time between early warning and effective early response to violent conflict. To this end, the Task Force has adopted a set of Guiding Principles as a framework for its activities over the next few years.

The strategic goal of the Task Force is to devise practical mechanisms to generate domestic and international political will to shorten the time between early warning and effective early action to prevent violent conflict. The strategic goal can be achieved by engaging high-level decision makers and other key stakeholders, in action oriented activities to promote and carry out preventive diplomacy. To this end the Task Force will serve as an adviser, initiator, innovator, and advocate on preventive diplomacy.

The Task Force has the advantage of flexibility, combining bottom-up and top-down approaches, and has the leeway to move quickly and discuss difficult issues that others are not in a position to. Its well-renowned members are action-oriented, and provide an opportunity to fill existing gaps in preventive diplomacy.


* Foster the linkage between the various phases of the conflict cycle (prevention, management, post-conflict peacebuilding, reconciliation).
* Provide an additional resource to complement ongoing UN and regional processes and make timely interventions when official efforts have failed.
* Offer assistance and skills in quiet diplomacy, negotiation, problem-solving, mediation and facilitation to help build confidence and trust.


* Creation of an International Panel on Conflict Prevention and Human Security.
* Establishment of an International Parliamentarians Network for Conflict Prevention and Human Security with the goal of developing support for national and international legislative mechanisms and structures to direct political will and resources toward conflict prevention.
* Awareness raising campaign, and high-level advocacy campaign targeted at national and international policy makers.
* Publish joint policy briefs from international figures and policy makers from the traditional security, development and foreign affairs communities that address practical considerations in moving to a culture of prevention.
* Establish a Conflict Transformation Collaborative of conflict prevention practitioners from around the world and involve them in transferring knowledge and skills to the local and regional level.
* Establish a broad network of media organizations and journalists who promote and work on conflict prevention.
* Develop a resourcing framework for preventive diplomacy.
* Video project on preventive diplomacy: members of the High-Level Advisory Board explain the complexities and the high stakes of conflict prevention and preventive diplomacy. [ [video]


The Task Force is a multi-year project composed of two structures: a regionally and institutionally balanced Core Group of 16 experts known for their engagement in preventive diplomacy/conflict prevention and a High-Level Advisory Board of 8 eminent persons who support the work of the Core Group by lending their advice, public outreach, moral standing, and access to media and decision makers.
* " [ Members of the High Level Advisory Board] "

Martti Ahtisaari (Chairman of the Board Crisis Management Initiative, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for the future status process for Kosovo)

Sadiq al-Mahdi (President of Umma Party and Imam of Alansar, Sudan)

Lakhdar Brahimi (Former Under Secretary General and Special Adviser of the Secretary General of the United Nations; Former Foreign Minister for Algeria)

Kim Campbell (The Right Honourable, P.C., Q.C.)

Jan Eliasson (Ambassador, Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General for Darfur)

Gareth Evans (President and CEO of International Crisis Group)

His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal (President of the Arab Thought Forum)

Thorvald Stoltenberg (President of the Norwegian Red Cross)
* " [ Members of the Task Force Core Group] "

Brigalia Bam (Chairperson, Independent Electoral Commission)

Gidon Bromberg (Israeli Director, Friends of the Earth Middle East)

Scilla Elworthy (Founder Oxford Research Group, Founder Peace Direct)

Gernot Erler (Minister of State, Federal Foreign Office)

Carmen Maria Gallardo Hernandez (Vice-Chairperson of the UN Peace Building Commission; Ambassador and Permanent Representative of El Salvador to the UN)

Peter Gastrow (Institute for Security Studies, Cape Town Director)

Thomas Greminger(Head of Political Affairs Division IV / Human Security; Chairman of the Centre for Peace Promotion (Swiss Peace))

Mahmoud Labadi (Foreign Relations Commission, Palestinian Authority)

Nick Mabey (Chief Executive of E3G)

Ahmet M. Oren (CEO of Ihlas Holding A.S., EWI Board Member)

Paul B. Stares (General John W. Vessey Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Preventive Action, Council on Foreign Relations)

Paul van Tongeren (Secretary General of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict)

Dmitri Trenin (Deputy Director of the Carnegie Moscow Center)

Sundeep Waslekar (President, Strategic Foresight Group)

Zhou Xingbao (Vice-Chairman and Secretary General of the China National Committee Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific - CSCAP)

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