

name = Argynnini

image_width = 240px
image_caption = Male "Argynnis sagana", placed in "Damora" by those who split the genus "Argynnis"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Insecta
ordo = Lepidoptera
unranked_familia = Rhopalocera
superfamilia = Papilionoidea
familia = Nymphalidae
subfamilia = Heliconiinae
tribus = Argynnini
tribus_authority = Swainson, 1827Verify source|date=August 2008
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision =Around 7, but see text
synonyms =Argynnina Swainson, 1827Verify source|date=August 2008
Argynninae Swainson, 1827Verify source|date=August 2008

Argynnini is a tribe of butterflies in the subfamily Heliconiinae, containing some of the fritillaries. This group has also been classified as subtribe Argynnina of the Heliconiini, or even as a distinct subfamily Argynninae in the Nymphalidae. This group has roughly 30 species in North America with other species distributed world-wide.

Genera and selected species

While many treatments consider several proposed genera to be junior synonyms of "Argynnis" – occasionally even the fairly distinct "Speyeria" –, other authors treat "Argynnis" in a much more circumscribed manner and split off "Argyreus", "Damora", "Speyeria" and others. To a lesser extent, similar uncertainty affects "Boloria" and "Issoria".

* "Euptoieta" Doubleday 1848
* "Yramea" Reuss 1920
* "Boloria" (including "Clossiana")
* "Issoria" Hübner 1819
** Queen of Spain Fritillary, "Issoria lathonia"
* "Brenthis" Hübner 1819
* "Argynnis" Fabricius 1807
** Dark Green Fritillary, "Argynnis aglaja"
** Indian Fritillary, "Argynnis hyperbius"
** Niobe Fritillary, "Argynnis niobe"
** Silver-washed Fritillary, "Argynnis paphia"
* "Speyeria" Scudder 1872 (sometimes included in "Argynnis")
** Aphrodite Fritillary, "Speyeria aphrodite" (Fabricius, 1787)
** Atlantis Fritillary, "Speyeria atlantis" (Edwards, 1862)
** Calippe Fritillary, "Speyeria calippe"
*** Calippe Silverspot Butterfly, "Speyeria callippe callippe"
** Great Spangled Fritillary, "Speyeria cybele"
** Diana Fritillary, "Speyeria diana"
** Hydaspe Fritillary, "Speyeria hydaspe"
** Zerene Fritillary, "Speyeria zerene"
*** Myrtle's Silverspot Butterfly, "Speyeria zerene myrtleae"

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