Meir Fund

Meir Fund

Meir Fund is a renowned American Orthodox rabbi, Kabbalist, and spiritual leader of Congregation Sheves Achim in Brooklyn, New York. He comes from a long line of rabbis in Europe and was close with both Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik during his student days and with Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach. He also studied for many years with Rabbi Yoel Kahn of Chabad and other Chassidic teachers.

In October 1977, on Succos, Rabbi Fund performed at a concert in the Gramercy Park Brotherhood Synagogue's succah that jointly benefited the Hopi Legal Fund, which defended Hopi lands in the West from being strip mined, and Moshav Me'or Modin, a communal settlement in Israel led by Rabbi Shlomo Carlbach.

"We felt the pain of the Indian plight. We wanted to build bridges and we felt that Succoth would be an appropriate time since it is a harvest festival." Fund also stated, "We felt a common spiritual, archetypal, almost primordial bond and a communal experience of suffering, of being the eternal minority."

[1] Since 1992, he has led Kabbalah classes in the Greenwich Village Synagogue.[2] He also led Kabbalah classes at the 92nd Street Y.[2] According to Fund, Kabbalah is analogous to an ocean.

"If I say I'm swimming in the Pacific, it doesn't mean that I'm swimming in water that's 10,000 feet deep, he said. I could be walking in a puddle at the end of the ocean. And that's what is sometimes misleading. But the Kabbalah is an ocean, and there are parts where anybody can swim, and parts where you have to be a very good swimmer."


Rabbi Fund gives various shiurim throughout the week. Some of his shiurs are given at his shul The Flatbush Minyan/Sheves Achim at 1517 Ave. H in Brooklyn, NY. The Flatbush Minyan homepage, [1], has a collection of recorded shiurim given by Rabbi Fund.


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