Faxen Formula

Faxen Formula

Faxén's Law

In 1922 Faxén's introduced a relation for a sphere's velocity v to the forces and flows it experiences::v = u(r) + b_0 F + frac{a^2}{6} abla^2 u (r).:where b_0 is the mobility, F is aforce acting on the sphere, a the spheres radius and r the spatial coordinate.In the case that the pressure gradient is small on the lengthscale of the sphere's diameter and where there is no externalforce, the last two terms may be neglected. In this casethe external fluid flow simply advects the sphere.

See also

* Immersed Boundary Method


J. Happel and H. Brenner, Low Reynolds Number Hydrodynamics (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1991).

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  • FAXÉN — SWEDEN (see also List of Individuals) 29.3.1892 Näskott/S 1.6.1970 Stockholm/S Hilding Faxén graduated as a mathematician from Uppsala University in 1919 and there submitted a PhD thesis under Carl Wilhelm Oseen (1879 1944). Faxén lectured… …   Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000

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