- Afzalpur, Khari Sharif
Afzalpur is a village inKhari Sharif ,Mirpur Azad Kashmir .It is about 8/km away from Mirpur City and 3/km from the tomb of Hazrat
Mian Mohammad Bakhash . If you are traveling from Mirpur to Jhelum via Chechiyan & Jatlan. You can see this place in your way on the bank ofJhelum Canal . By the time of independence of The State of Azad Jammu & Kashmir from theMahraja of Jammu & Kashmir a Muslim freedom fighter namedMohammad AFZAL become Shaheed by the Sikh fighters during the fight. Since then the name of the village was changed from Gobindpur to Afzalpur.That time there was only a police station in this village. But now you can see a Post office,
Government Teachers training college Afzalpur ,Government Degree college Afzalpur for Boys & Girls, Government High and primary schools for boys & girls, Public schools and Union Councils office.Afzalpur is well known and beautiful place in all over Azad Kashmir.
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